
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice work

Nice character again love the props in this one kind of reminds me the one with the shampayne glass nice character here love the black, so I will say this was really nice and say that you have impressed me sofar but please do grace us with more of your fine art pieces.


Great pose

The pose here is pretty amazing and that muscle tone is amazing and forms so well on her legs just a beautiful visual and also love the shadow effect over the white backdrop very nice work indeed this was pretty good stuff.



And here was another beautiful character design you have hundreds of these and each one comes out beautiful with color like you have here and the view shot here is very nice work.


Very nice

I love how she is holding onto the anchor on this one looks very heavy. The anchor could use some sparkle and shine but honestly this. Was a beautiful character and as always keep up the good work.


Good one

Another good one here. A different pose too makes for a good natrual scene here. Love the extra details like the grass and etc. A nice character once again with some beautiful colors nice job.



Looks like you did make more i did think this was a much better one then the southpark character one love the color use here. But this was a nice entry good design and a fun submission. Keep up the good work.



A cool fusion and nice mixture with disney and southpark elements i like the mix here the color and art was nice i think you could make a few themed pieces like a aeries of them the art is nice and the idea was funny.



I think the color was amazing and really jumped out at me, The different characters are as always amazing love the detail and elements in each frame, Another fun piece and have made my day here This looks like a blend of artistic quality to me, which makes it very beautiful looking to me, This is a work of progress a progress that takes some unique style so keep up the good art works in the future, anyways nice work here.



This must have been fun to do, you have some nice action going on here and the bird was very comical lol The flavour you bring to this entry is just beautiful you have presented a good piece with awsome style, I hope you keep up the fantastic and creative ideas, So its stuff like this that gives me a pleasure to review, and you really dont see stuff like this anymore, Keep making fantastic art pices.


Beautiful color

The color in this is amazing and the whole scene creates a story too very nice detail here, I did have a pleasure it reviewing this as it was a nice work of art I really came to enjoy this and all that it was worth, You really pushed the limits on this one. A nifty art piece you have here, So a lot of effort goes into these kinds of art pieces and thats what amazes me, Make more like this.


Damare-Draws responds:

thank you so much for your nice comment! I'll do my best!

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