
17,993 Art Reviews

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Love it

I love the pose and it showcases all the muscles and tone on the body, the blue outfit works well with the darker body too, I did have a pleasure it reviewing this as it was a nice work of art I really came to enjoy this and all that it was worth awsome effort here.


Cute one

You gave this one a more cute element and thats what really made this shine, I love the shoes, You really pushed the limits on this one. A nifty art piece you have here, So a lot of effort goes into these kinds of art pieces and thats what amazes me anyways awsome and cute work.


This has Flavour

Another great pose here of the character and a nice subtle frame too, This all came together well, love what you did with the eyes too, The flavour you bring to this entry is just beautiful you have presented a good piece with awsome style, anyways as always great character work.


So good

I really like this colorful yet dark element the text bubble was right on, would love a comic element of this, My view on this whole piece is that you have captured something differant, This piece was alot better then I thought again this was a pretty good art piece has a somewhat artistic value to it, this one does have a lot of detail and it shows, keep making awsome work like this.


Wow nice

Now this was some beautiful pixel work and it is animated it came off so well and there is so much detail from the buildings to the flying birds, You have good Insight on some good rapid detail but other then that this was actually notbad, Its these kinds of pieces that really give me a sense of joy they bring so much to the table, As I end here soon I will mention this is not just nifty but has a nice element design behind it, Love your ideas with this pixel animated art piece.



This was some beautiful work some fine detail within the darkness of it all and just created an awsome character in another world, You bring some good imagination to the portal with this unique art vision, I like this creation you have here its more then just art and some nice visual its unique, with some nice detail and overall good design and that design just shines with sparkle so keep that up, Love your passion on this.


Love the orange

Like one big orange tabby lol, no but really the orange is really nice and came out well with that water color style, I hope you keep up the fantastic and creative ideas, So its stuff like this that gives me a pleasure to review and you really dont see stuff like this anymore anyways make more like this soon.



You have a beautiful touch especially with the black and white theme here, the shades and textures are nice and its a very beautiful character love the detail, My view on this whole piece is that you have captured something differant This piece was alot better then I thought again this was a pretty good art piece indeed.


Another cool one

So this was another fun one love the creature behind the character ready to jump out and come alive here lol, This has an artistic value to it, this one does have a lot of detail and it shows, the colortone as always has some nice texture and you really make a good details character here.



This was a pretty good one the character looks goof and is well drawn and once again a really nice comic style here always have fun with these. So nice job.


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