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Thats almost as long as i have been reviewing stuff on this site. And thats a pretty long time so nice job here a good long run of foamy and i have enjoyed every bit of foamy so really nice work over the years.



This was a nice and dark one some good humor too the dark element was really good and a nice detail of the characters here. Its characters like this that come out well. And this was a nice visual of detail in this comic type. Love the comical side of it.


Wow nice

This looks really good looks so realistic, each visual brings on so much quality and detail points, I am generally not a fan of these types but it had some un expected art fun and some nice visuals on top of that, I do applaud you on a welldone piece now ofcourse it is one of those uniqie styles that I always come to enjoy and whatnot very beautiful looking to me this is a pretty cool looking piece and you put a lot of energy into this and the details show off very well very nice find with this one but its nice work on this one so props to you on such a unique style of a submission.


Nice pixel

This was pretty nifty of pixel element It feels like it could use more color, it was a unique and something differant I liked, you do have a good peice of art here I like the effort, The pixel design is nice and I liked it so nice job on this one.



Now this was a beautiful design here, love the intense color effects and action scene, You cant go wrong with this kind of art but then again it has a simple nature about it aswell. And you let it bloom in its own satisfying way and I hope this feedback will give you as much exhilaration as it gave me, You really pushed the limits here was another great discovery from the portal I do have to say is that I like what you have presented here a fine submission and or entry here, I do hope to see more from you this was a good all around solid entry, You have for sure pushed the efforts and shown us that effort in full force.



This is nice and simple here, love the pixel like tines on this one, Creativity flows through this fine art creation In a way this was symbolic I like the polish you gave this, Love the color tone you really made it look good as an artpeice, nice job.



A nice couple of characters here some fresh color too and a refreshing backround, It is a pleasure to review this creative and fine piece of art, So this is what keeps me and as well as others comming back for more unique pieces like this, And with that art in the books I want to say you have created a nice world for us to enjoy.



I found this one to be pretty unique its not something you see everyday here in the portal, I do think some added sparkle or lighting effect would have been good on the light fixture, here we have something fresh, something interesting and kind of nifty, A big kudo's to you on this piece here, anyways nice job.


Very nice

What I like the most about this is that its fully clothed lol its different from normal, and a really nice commission here, Just wanted to say a few words and that would be that keep up this kind of unique style, You always do some good work but it was nice to see something different.



Another cool commission here love the dark colors here on this one, You have an amazing way of the use of art and stylish content my overview of this is that you have done something pretty awsome here, Love the border type of style too, anyways great character once again.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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