
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice character

Now here was a nice character with some very nice detail here love the color and especially love the detail, I was pleased with all of what you presented here, on an ending note you appropriately pushed the limits on this art piece, a very nice character and commission here.


Good creativity

I do think extra add ons like more sparkle on glass and backrounds would be nice, The creativity luminates in this art submission there was a good element about this you really know how to bring things together in a good way, But I loved this commission piece.



Another cool comic element by IllWill and you cant go wrong with that, good color some nice text bubbles telling a story brings together some nice scenes within the comic, I like your stamp of expression on your art style It is unique in its own way very nice comic.



Well once again another nice fresh and cute piece especially with all the pixel this was refreshing, glad I had a chance to see this as well as review it this was started from a simple idea but you turned it into something unique, anyways once again nice work good pixel here.



Another cute one here its sleeping good the colors for sure look like its night time too, Nice shades and little detail with the pixel element here, So it was a nice find some nice effort seems to have gone into this Very nice work here, So nice cute piece here keep making more.


This is cute

Now this is pretty cute stuff even with all of its pixel you bring some fun cuteness to the board, nice color tone too, I like this style and the talent really does come full frontal here with the detail and style you push forward, Colors well formulated too nice design.



Now this was a very beautiful piece the character alone is amazing soft and beautiful holding the world is nice I think adding some sort of effect or glow on the globe would be a nice idea here, Flavour thats what I see here because you went all out in this art piece, For making something pretty interesting and unique here, you have impressed this viewer of your artwork, My final Overview is this was pretty good and I was enlightened by your craft of details, Not sure who Mokuren is but its an amazing character and visual piece of art.


sekim0118 responds:

Thank you so much :D
She's one of the main characters from the anime called 'Please save my earth'.
It's pretty old but the storyline and the characters are really great.


I love the idea here with the red and white and so much detail within the visual, May I mention that it was a nice and fun experience reviewing this piece, So my Insight on this whole piece was that it was first explosive and much more then that, so thank you for that alone, And hope to see more from your imagination and creative sides, so hope to see more of this style.



This was a nice and animated peice here the white backround could have had more to it, keep up the good work and I look forward to even more stuff from you, Maybe adding some backround element would be a plus but the animation is nice, Untill next time keep making awsome stuff.



Not sure whats going on here but its a beautiful city element and love all the vibrant color use, I like the work you have done here the quality shows hope to see more very soon here on the portal, Its stuff like this that make me want to look deeper and harder in the art portal for pieces just like this, Make more like this Im looking forward to more.


Damare-Draws responds:

I'm glad you enjoy it!

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