
17,993 Art Reviews

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Awsome detail

This was a really nice secen here, love the sparkle and shine and even glows like the eyes, A big kudo's to you on a fine piece of art and creativity, you really do have the skills for great stuff such as this piece, awsome work and scene on this entry.


Beautiful city element

The people moving and running pretty amazing, A Unique find of an art entry here lots of good details on this art piece, you have shown you have the talents of some nifty art finally a symbolic piece that makes sence in an artistic way and style, my last wording on this is that this was a symbolic piece of art with a unique twist, love the lighting and glowing effects here.


Kamikaye responds:

THanks a lot ! :) I think the latest Blender updates really enabled my creativity with lights etc. They made certain things dozens of times more effective.

Love the color

This has to be one of my fave pieces by you and some nice combo theme of color some nice blues and lavenders in there, glad I could find something differnt like this its different and unique and you dont see this type every day, made this one of my faves.


Love it

Added this one to my faves its a nice visual some nice art I do think you could have added maybe a glow around the earth as a plus effect, I have to say you did an impressive job here actually and it brings to the table some unique elements appropriately done nice job.


Nice group

Here was another nice group and round like the soft colors used here some good character design too love the comic form too, You have made my day with this art submission here today Nice work on this piece of design, But anyways hope you do make more of these types soon.


Another good one

Well here was another good one, love the pose and the silky shine on the pants was a nice touch I might ad more sine there, A Unique find of an art entry here lots of good details on this art piece, you have shown you have the talents of some nifty art.



Wow this is beautiful work finally a symbolic piece that makes sence in an artistic way and style, my last wording on this is that this was a symbolic piece of art with a unique visual effect I have added this into my faves list because this was just too good to pass up, also started following you and your work so please do keep it up.



A nice tiger here the white and black theme here of the tiger is nice a good pattern, I like the work you have done here the quality shows hope to see more very soon here on the portal, Also love the backround and frame type you added here very nice commission.



Looks like he is on the run a nice and simple character I think you could have made the money bag look heavy with coins, I will always enjoy stuff like this and will always look for more stuff like it among the art portal, Im so glad I did come across this one, make more of these kinds of submissions.


StarluckCrystalDS responds:

Thanks for the feedback

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