
17,993 Art Reviews

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Here was a nice comic idea

Nice comic some nice frame work too no changes needed here, I for one encourage you to build onto this and create a great comic as you have been, this was a very nice entry and the web comic you have here is very creative with a nice visual point of nice effort and detail, so nice job indeed, hope you make more great comics like this one.

Nice comic some nice frame work too no changes needed here,


Some nice art

So this was pretty good love all the details and all the color really comes alive here with this one great character work too not sure what I would change about this as its a pretty solid piece you have some nice work and hope you make more soon.

no changes needed here


Love the color here

So this was some nice use of color and you gave it a nice visual really made for some nice artwork here really nice job, it was generally a good and decent art piece and the effort does show, I like how you presented this and it was just pretty decent so nice job indeed and keep up the imagination

No changes are needed here


Pretty good effort

This was cool I think some glowing eyes here would really accent this piece, This was pretty good as you do ad some nice line work, and detail effort ofcourse this has some good energy behind it, and thats one thing that I like about it and really drew me into it, its a nice drawing and or sketch as some may call it, anyways nice work you have presented here today.

I think some glowing eyes here would really accent this piece


Nice ghost

The eyes are cool maybe even adding some glows to the eyes would be a nice addition to this, A shiny award won with this piece here you really have outdone yourself by recieving an award here you have covered alot of stuff and pushed the limits on this piece. This brings us close to the ending of the review so While this was notbad at all I wouldnt mind seeing more to it

maybe even adding some glows to the eyes would be a nice addition to this


A wild and slick black and white

I am really enjoying the purple-ish backround and the black and white sketch maybe adding some purplish border or frame would really work well here, you really pushed a splash of detail and some fine detail at that the fact its black and white doesnt lower its quality, I say it even raises the bar because it is black and white, A wild and slick black and white, so very nice work here really nice style on this one.

maybe adding some purplish border or frame would really work well here


Very nice drawing here

Another nice drawing this particular piece could use some backround detail maybe even some frames and borders to accent it better, Props to you on some nice drawing and sketch here now maybe one day adding some color or even just a little would be a good improvement, But what I will say is that you have some nice work here even with little to no color its a nice sketch and drawing you have here.

this particular piece could use some backround detail maybe even some frames and borders to accent it better



So this was an amazing colorful art piece that gold ball and chain seems like it could use some added sparkle and shine, An amazing piece of art here with some nice shiny award recieved for this one so really great job on winning an award with this piece So with this art piece the detail is really showing off well, and you are showing the effort aswell, and to be honest thats what I have enjoyed about this piece.

that gold ball and chain seems like it could use some added sparkle and shine


Nifty piece

The faces in this piece are very nice love the sketchs and details the fine line detail is amazing I would love to see more added detail in the backround, Some really nice line and detail and just an overall awsome design in black and white no color needed well maybe one day, I like the efforts here, I like the detail and it being a black and white sketch drawing is just that much better so no color needed at this moment.

I would love to see more added detail in the backround


Great detail

So this one was pretty good love the color and especially love the use of color, I find that this does not need any changes, there is actually alot to see, and the visual is a great one, You seem to have went all out on this with some nifty efforts in making something really good here so props to you on this piece.

I find that this does not need any changes


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