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So I like this and like the themed color here too this one almost seems like it could have a colored frame added onto it overall this was some cool stuff and think you could make more great stuff anyways keep up the good work


A sleek and sexy character

Cool color on this you do some nice work and there for no changes are needed, A vivid and sexy character design and I really like what you have done here with the smooth lines and great details, what we have here is A sleek and sexy character and your talents have pushed on some nice linework with awsome details here so keep up the great work.

you do some nice work and there for no changes are needed



So this was a nice and colorfull piece here, very nice shading dont see any need for changes with this one it was a nice art piece and well done, Very funny in a cartoon sort of way Reminds me of the trailer to the animation show by Mike judge or something one might see on TV, It's funny because you can imagine this character in all sorts of things, Maybe stuff going wrong around his house and things like that

dont see any need for changes with this one it was a nice art piece and well done



Wow nice this was an interesting creation would have liked more backround effects but overall this was cool, this one made me laugh It's perfectly done but it's funny and creative, Where else would you see something like this? An artist's mind is a wonderful thing to behold because you never know what is going to come out of it, They have a gift for turning the ordinary into the extraordinary like this piece here

would have liked more backround effects but overall this was cool


nice designs

Very nice work love the pink element here maybe even adding some pink or purplish borders to really accent the character would be cool, You have some amazing talent on the form of the characters like the line work and just how it all comes together, The lines are very smooth from every curve to every edge, I have been impressed with all the character work you bring to life in a brush of the pen or pencil.

love the pink element here maybe even adding some pink or purplish borders to really accent the character would be cool


Some nice 3-D

You have really captured the 3-D element and the colortones are very nice visual so nice work here, as a suggestion or opinion maybe more dominant lighting like hitting the top of the leaves more, A really cool piece It looks like an actual still shot from a game, Congrats for being able to create something like this It's so realistic! Artwork like this is very cool and popular, It brings back a lot of Happy gaming memories for me, Very few artists can achieve this type of work.

as a suggestion or opinion maybe more dominant lighting like hitting the top of the leaves more


Nice eye

This was some nice work a nice and beautiful eye the color fits in so well, I think the canvus and or screen size could be larger, One thing so many artists struggle with is the perfect eye Especially when getting it's shape and size Clearly that is not the case here, you drew it perfectly and obviously knew what you were doing It's flawless creative and unique, I love how the details and embellishments around the eye are kept to a minimum so it doesn't steal away from the eye itself

I think the canvus and or screen size could be larger


A unique creature

So this was a unique creature you have created here wouldnt mind some backround detail on this piece, big Congrats on getting an award thats always a great award to have especially on your work its a nice addition to your profile but most of all it says that people have enjoyed your work, So keep making beautiful and awsome art

a unique creature you have created here wouldnt mind some backround detail on this piece


A fantastic style

Beautiful visual here would have loved more lighting effects come through her hair, Some really nice form of lines and alurring tones, but anyways really nice work and detail, the detail is very much alive and a nice effect with the finished polish, so nice work indeed, you are an instant fan fave with this reviewer so keep making great stuff like this.

would have loved more lighting effects come through her hair


Nice color

So there was some nice color in this and the expression on her face is interesting I think some fancy borders and frames would be one idea, This also reminds me of anime style Well done, The colors and angles of the face as well as the features instantly made me think of the joker and Harley quinn combined, Not sure if that was the case but it's done very well, I see no mistakes or flaws the vibrance of the colors really caught my eye but not so much as to be overbearing

some fancy borders and frames would be one idea


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