
17,993 Art Reviews

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This style is Cool

Beautifull love how real the water flows, I have no major changes in mind for this one, You can never go wrong with pixel art so its a pleasure to review this art piece, This style is cool because it brings on an artistic style and brings together all the tid bits of pixel and Artistic visual, you have created a beautiful piece and I have enjoyed this piece indeed.

I have no major changes in mind for this one


Some pixel art

I love how well the animations flow and make it very real, would love more sparkle on this one especially since its more daylight and snow elements, great pixel ideas and the view points of this particular piece was really shiny and nifty and very artistic pixel, you have a real talent for some nifty pixel such as you have created here on this submission of art, and its nice to see this kind of art in the art portal.

would love more sparkle on this one especially since its more daylight and snow elements


Very nice lighting

So the lighting effects are really nice here, the window in the distance could use some added lighting, another gaming piece first thing I noticed right away is the light coming through the window, I love the red color the details are really good here, Details are important in art because that's what gets your viewers attention without details the pictures are just rather plain and simple, I love how it's a shot of the side of the building like it's from a game in progress or from a characters viewpoint that's a very creative and unique approach.

the lighting effects are really nice here, the window in the distance could use some added lighting


What a wonderful pixel design on this one

Very nice indeed the sparkle that comes off once in awhile is nice would have been nice to have more of that maybe on the other side too, Very nifty pixel design here you have some nice ideas and great structure when it comes to some nifty pixel, What a wonderful pixel design on this one this particular piece was really nice and what a visual here some amazing vivid detail with this pixel art.

the sparkle that comes off once in awhile is nice would have been nice to have more of that maybe on the other side


Pixel art always fun

Love the animation effects on this one, So very nice energy with the pixel art here, Pixel art always fun and Pixel art is unique its unique because it is like a new style of art but in reality its the origin of art itself and you have presented some nice design and art style here the pixel really comes alive in this piece.

Would have loved more glow on the sun / moon


Another beautiful one

Wow you really do some nice work here with these pixel elements this was another great one with the visual and flow of animation really gives off that feeling that one is there, the colors are very vibrant and jump out at you anyways great work once again.

For sure make more



Wow this one is very nice such a great view and gives off a great feeling too almost like one is there watching the sun set and the calm of the water, anyways great idea here and the pixle element of it all was pretty good too so nice job indeed.

no changes just make more


Enjoyed it

Well this was another great submission that you have supplied us with and it was a fun experience to really review this love the character and love the style you bring to such a classic character, the backround seemed a tad bland but overall a beautiful piece hope to see more of your work in the near future.

Would love some added color or detail in the backround.


Amazing work

So first off this was pretty amazing love the detail and the 3-d like view was just as amazing really enjoyed this piece i have no ill sayings about it, as it was a solid piece of art, This was an amazing piece and well deserving of the award recieved so congrats on the award and hope you recieve many more, Decent artwork and very well deserving of the achieved awards on here, that was pretty neat, like I said a decent art piece showed off great quaily. This was a pretty neat art piece, you should think about adding some Borders, you can even go all fancy and stuff with some design and color to them, or even related to the art piece and such, so its something to try and would bring more quality to the art piece and borders seem like it would accent this well.

Some added borders to make it stand out more


Very nice

So this was pretty good I was really impressed with this I especially like the different variations on this from sketch to finished product so really nice work indeed, hope you make more like this someday it was a great experience to review such talent so please do make more.

make more like this it was an awsome piece of art


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