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Amazing view shot here

Now this was an amazing view shot from top, the hair was a nice color too as for changes this was cool would for sure love some added vibrant colors to even bring it out even more then it is now, This is so cute and perfect No major flaws A wonderful tribute to a show that is no longer on, I've always liked the way these characters were drawn I think the artist here drew them better than the shows animators though There's just something about this piece that seems better than the show but anyways this was a nice little art element here.

as for changes this was cool would for sure love some added vibrant colors to even bring it out even more then it is now


Nice work

And here is the "FRONT" so now we see a face of this "SAMMY" character a nice form and some nice linework, I think in this case I like the backround because you bring some nice lighting effect from the backside and it makes it look interesting, the character design is pretty nice work here and some really good form of the character so a job well done and another piece of yours that doesnt need much improvment, anyways nice work.

another piece of yours that doesnt need much improvment


Love the texture

I really love how you have progressed and pushed some nice "TEXTURE" into your characters especially with the hair you can see the energy and detail put into this and its really nice work the shading and texture just blend so well, now ofcourse the backround is light and wish there was more there but overall you have designed a nice character here with some good detail, so really nice effort here.

now ofcourse the backround is light and wish there was more ther


Very nice doodle

So doodling is always fun and you have something here seems like if you colored it it would be another top notch piece of art here with some really nice elements and im sure your shading and texture would always be a plus as it has in the past but as a doodle this was pretty subtle but you still showed off some nice detail here, the hands came off well I thaught, anyways nice doodling here.

I dont have any suggestions besides it was a good doodle.


Nice doodle

Alright so here was another "DOODLE" notbad at all with this one and nice little practice too, and you made "FUNNY" with your quote there that was kind of impressive, and I really enjoyed this one not just for the humor but the sketch or doodle was pretty nifty, what else can be done here well since it was just a doodle or sketch I think this piece is fine as it is so nice job here.

what else can be done here well since it was just a doodle or sketch I think this piece is fine as it is


Love the color

So there was some really beautiful color here, love the faces too some really nice work here its artistic abstract and everything else you bring some really nice artistic value here to this one, would love some sort of borders on this one, other then that its some amazing work for sure.

So this was pretty decent work I think it could have some sorta borders around it maybe even something fancy to make the main piece even reflect off of it just an idea though.



Well this was a nice and unique piece you have here, I love the different visuals here and all done so well the color tones are nice and different, would love to see more detail within the borders or frames, but other then that this was some really nice work.

would love to see more detail within the borders or frames

Alexandrowic responds:

Thank you! For the suggestions as well! I appreciate that

Very cool visual

So this was a cool visual almost feels like it could use a farm animal since you did name it that but its very nice, It looks like something from a video game which is great, The colors and position is perfect, It's just lack of details that could have made this even better It looks very plain and doesn't really get your attention maybe in a way that was your intent, but regardless its still a pretty interesting design here I like the visual element of this as a whole.

almost feels like it could use a farm animal since you did name it that but its very nice


Pixel Crazyness

The colors just jump out at ones view overall an amazing piece I wouldnt change a thing, Pixel uniqueness thats what I would call this because it is unique in its own artistic way, this piece is just amazing you have some Pixel Crazyness here and im ok with that because you cant get too much of some pixel stuff as you have created here with this pixel piece.

overall an amazing piece I wouldnt change a thing


Another great one

And once again you have created another great piece of art here that sparkle is nice but maybe it should be slowed down and not so frequent but overall this was another nice art piece you have here and love the fact that its in pixel great work indeed.

that sparkle is nice but maybe it should be slowed down and not so frequent


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