
17,993 Art Reviews

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Wow awsome

So first off I have no changes or suggestions as this was a brilliant piece of artwork you really come together with this great piece of work of luigi I am pretty impressed that people still make things like this one its always a pleasure and always refreshing. Stunning visual And I have to say this looks quite stellar indeed.

this is one of those art pieces that wont need any changes or new suggestions its a brilliant art piece.


Very fun

So this was a fun character the color is bright but makes it fun, could be a great comic character, its simple and fun I like it, I like the simplicity in this aswell as the detail that you presented, The design itself is intriguing and brings a style of its very own

could be a great comic character


An awsome design

Well this was an awsome design you have created the colors are smooth and blend so well into eachother I really like the character design too you have outdone yourself here with this one, and I for sure look forward to even more from what you may have planned in the future.

I have no suggestions for this awsome piece


Deep details

Though the creature looks a little strange. I really like this picture. It's probably the most realistic out of all the ones I've seen. It's because of the clarity of the details. The realism and the unique design of this piece are what make it a great piece. The artist even managed to balance the light perfect so that it actually looks like it's really daylight in the picture. The size ratio of people to creature is good as well and sets the mood for this piece. Like it's really happening.

No changes just make more



This was nice and you have added some nice color here love the hearts on this one I might add some shine or glow on the hearts, but besides all that this was a nice art piece, and would love to see more of your work of art especialy if its like this.

I might add some shine or glow on the hearts


turret-heads responds:

Thank you for the feedback!

Cool beans

So this was something different and you dont see this style too much, I do like your style here I think as an idea maybe have a sparkle off his earing just as extra gesture, but besides that you have some very nice talents and it really looks great with some amazing visuals.

I think as an idea maybe have a sparkle off his earing just as extra gesture


SYN3R responds:

thank you ! it's a good idea

Another amazing piece

Another perfectly drawn piece. The colors and details are simply amazing! I love how the only bright thing in the piece is the girl. It forces you to notice her and keep your attention on her. The difference in size between her and the statue in back was a little off putting at first. But I realized it sort of tells a story in a way and is actually a good thing

Dont feel any changes are needed you have done an amazing piece of art.


Very welldone

And this one has to be some of your best work you really put some "TIME" and energy into this piece as it has some really nice work, I love what you have done with shading here, now me I love backrounds but maybe that was not the intent for this piece but a prop or two could work, anyways great character work here very nice lines and beautiful shades I like the work done here so keep it up.

I love backrounds but maybe that was not the intent for this piece but a prop or two could work



this one is great. He's one of my favorite characters. I love how appears finished and unfinished at the same time. You notice details, but there is not so many details that it's distracting. The use of so much gray is good because it really makes the red stand out. The artist did such a great job with drawing all the shapes and parts if him. I know from experience that he's a very difficult character to draw

I dont see anything to suggest but maybe some added backround would be a plus.


Cute and sexy

Well this here was a cute and sexy character that you have created lots of great visual details in this one, I really like all the details like the glasses an idea maybe a sparkle off the glasses would be a nice plus on this, but regardless loved this cute piece of art.

an idea maybe a sparkle off the glasses would be a nice plus


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