
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice character

An interesting piece of art indeed njoy reviewing stuff like this so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catches the eye A nice character you have created with some nice and subtle features making for something nice here.



The scene itself is pretty beautiful I love the deep texture of art on this one and you make the scene look real seems like there is a good story or comic element on this one love all the detail on character work and backround, It is a pleasure to review this creative and fine piece of art So this is what keeps me and as well as others comming back for more unique pieces like this, anyways great work.


This was cute

I really like this and you have a nice style on the characters smooth lines nice color, You have showcased some very good talents with your efforts on this piece, This one brings all sorts of things to the imagination and some creative elements here, I like all the different variations on this too showcasing a comic like element, you bring a lot to the table so nice job indeed.



So this was a nice charater I think some added shine and sparkle on the gold points would be a plus, Now here was a pleasure of a viewing and of course reviewing this interesting piece of art work o please do keep up the fun and amazing art style you bring to the table, But regardless a really nice character here and welldone on the detail element, keep up the good work.


Nice pixel

This was some nice pixel element and you have some nice and simple elements here, Art is always a fine thing and art comes in many different forms thats what I love about reviewing different types of artwork such as this one here, Its pixel detail that really shines I do think some darker shades would be nice but overall a nice pixel piece here so keep up the amazing work.


SuperNaturalBoden responds:

Wise words. Also thank you!

Chutney Cone

A nice Chutney cone simple and cute you bring something differnt and unique to the table so I am glad to review this, the backround is nice and has some depth to it the Chutney cone character itself has even more depth with the color tones and line work comes all together with a nice visual here and you really cant go wrong with Chutney lol, anyways nice work once again.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeaaah Chutney never goes wrong, nor anything related it seems. XD Thank you!

Awsome B/W

I just adore these kinds of art pieces of art and you gave us some of your unique quality, and the fact that the quality is very good is a plus, also love the black and white theme you have going on here also can see some more depth within the black and white style here, I almost feel like there could be some sort of border on this, but regardless this was some solid work.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm it's one of the simpler ones, a border would've probably worked well here... thank you though; appreciate the feedback!


You have an amazing 2 here lol no but really this was nice love the yellow texture in this one, you do amazing work on backrounds, you really did bring out the creative mind on this with the small details and a nice backround and that was a plus for this one, Some great finds in the art portal such as your entry here that you graced us with and you cant go wrong with 2's lol, anyways nice job on this yellow creation.


Cyberdevil responds:

Simple as this one may be I really do like that two too. XD

Much appreciated!


Well its for sure a lime green element with some numbers and words, not much with variation on color themes here but its still good infact, I am pretty happy to have found this great art submission as you have created a unique style even if its just numbers and words, I think you could even have added some design element but it also looks pretty solid as is, so nice work on this one.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it!

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