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To the fences

These fences are nice, I wonder if you added a black or darker backround it would be different, this piece really caught my eye I like your deep style of detail and what not so keep that drive going strong, nice detail in the fences, you have put fourth in it is what I have come to enjoy here, keep on doing what you have been doing, its always a pleasure to review your work.


Cyberdevil responds:

A border definitely would make this one feel different, think I'm partial more to the blank canvas as a natural frame in this case, but that would be interesting...

Will do; always a pleasure to read your reviews too!

Nice style

I must say the backround element is nice creates a good in depth style seems like you could even do more with it maybe even some added color depth, I was pretty proud of the work you have done here today and hope you make more stuff like this especially with the backround, the number is not too important in my opinion as you needed a focus I think, but overall some nice little details and another nice art piece here.


Cyberdevil responds:

Much obliged!


Another number lol well whatever floats ones boat right lol, You have captured something nifty with some 12 and you have some good insight on the number world, I would say some effort was shown in the backround but also liked the 12, a nice and unique creationand art piece of energy, but regardless I found this to be a good little number adding in there so nice job.


Cyberdevil responds:

I do like numbers. XD And patterns. Typography, in this case, you could say...

Thank you man. And for the stream of feedback/commentary overall now, all the best!


So this was another good character combo some nice work with eyes and glasses also love the green checkerd backround, So as I get started I get a good smile because art is good in whatever art brings but I found this to be an amazing art entry with an amazing uniqie style to it, but anyways here was some good character work simple and fun and enjoyed it so nice job indeed.


Nice concept

So you have a nice style here some good color style sharp and some nice texture the character work also seems to come out a live very well and I was pretty impressed, I tend to say create a good foundation and maximize that passion and energy into more success you have done just that, so for me this was pretty good and you even made it comical so all in all this was pretty good stuff.


Vampire queen

This is a nice character a vampire queen infact good use of color and some really nice backrounds, I will look for more of your stuff to come through the portal in the near future its some brilliant designs and creations so untill then keep up the creative designs and creations such as you have done here, Some added sparkle on the chain would be nice anyways good character design here.


Wow nice

There is some really nice use of color here love all the different characters here you really made it look nice each character is doing something different, Finally I come to the end of this review so always hard to end on a review never know what to say but you have a nice vision here, But anyways once again wanted to say you do some amazing artwork and it was a pleasure.



This was pretty cool Love the animation just wish there was more of the animation, the character work was nice you do have something here I was actually pretty impressed with what you have going on here, and thats what will keep me and others always comming back to pieces like this, Seems like you have some nice skills and you added some nice detail here so keep up with it.



So this was some nice halloween theme here and with a comic style about it aswell, Infact I would call it pretty stellar you bring some blending and it meshes so well I hope you keep making unique and interesting pieces like this one it was a nice entry so keep doing what you do, I especially love the rich colors on this too you do some amazing work and even ad some nice comical element.


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