
17,993 Art Reviews

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Awome character

I especially love the in your face close up too would have loved more shine and sparkle on his head, I really liked your creation here some good creative touches and feel to this whole piece, but it was something new and differant and I really liked it, There was a few ideas to make better but the art piece was still great stuff and I was very pleased with this whole piece as a whole and creative element, So with this one we start out with the little things that make this work and its those little things that keep me interested. you have for sure sinisterly caught my attention.



Well this was an interesting piece love the cute little pumnkin almost seems like you could have added even more backround detail and such, but for the mostpart this was some solid work and a cute lil guy there, This was a cool looking entry and you really made it pop with delight, Its also a nice halloween element here on the portal so nice job indeed make more of these soon.



Some nice work here love the use of color flip too, looks like some epic battle is about to happen, I do see you are well dedicated based on the talent here so keep doing what you do best If you ask me its pretty symbolic and you have got everything down appropriately well, But besides all that you have really pushed some nice visuals here on this art piece keep it up.


Steamy char

Well first off here was a steamy character but you even went one step and beyond with some added visuals and poses and that made it even better, These kinds of art pieces are always interesting and bring something new for all to see So as my overview review of this concludes soon.


chacrawarrior responds:

The character is not mine and for the pose there was a reference image gave it to me as a guide by the person that ask me for the commission. I have draw her a lot here, you can se more works of her too.

Nice loop

This was a nice loop you have here the plants are nice seems like you could add all this in some sort of a film but for the art element its pretty nice, You make some magnificent visuals with your talents on this art submission, So here we have a fine piece of art with some good ideas , But anyways nice little loop of animation on the classic plants anyways nice job.


Nice character

This was a nice character here i love the simple colors but really love the facial expressions blending unique styles anyways decent art piece here keep making stuff like this So keep doing what you do its always a pleasure to review your work, Its stuff like this and character work like this that jumps out at you so awsome work indeed and hope you make more character works.



I love the dark feel here almost feel like the gold ring eyes could even have more of a glow, Some really nice artwork here regardless this was pretty good I thought and look forward to more of your art-works and hope to see much more pieces from you its unique and interesting

So with all that said this was pretty intersting, I like some of the ideas in here, well thats my overview of this particular piece but before I go keep creationg with the imagination, I really enjoyed reviewing your work here today and dont be suprised if you see me review more of your awsome work in the future.


Beautiful character

This was a beautiful character kind of like a classy portrait a good pose of the character and it really came out well, I like the style and that backround was amazing very fitting for this piece, The flavour you bring to this entry is just beautiful you have presented a good piece with awsome style, looks like you put some good time into this one and it shows off well so nice job here.


Nice and steamy on this one

This one here was pretty steamy and love the double visuals here great character hope you have enjoyed this critique Hope I did not drag it on too much I will say it is a pleasure to see unique art and style like this one and on that note its always a pleasure, You do some nice work here and this was a plus, really beautiful work love the lines and curves on this one.


Fun character

So this was a fun and simple character you have here love those eyes and the smoking was a nice touch, You have an amazing way of the use of art and stylish content my overview of this is that you have done something pretty awsome here, the colors came off well its more of a simple character but you gave it some nice expression and loved that you filled in a backround too.


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