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Very intense

So this one was very intense some really great visuals would have loved more ligighting effects but honestly this was a beautiful visual and nice colors aswell so keep ip the amazing work and male more soon

Sunlight or beam of light


Very nice

So here was a nice dragon like creature the colors and blends in this one are pretty intense the design of it all is amazing onlything i may ad would be adding some backround detail but besides that this was very nice

Maybe some backround detail



Wow this was some amazing work and the fact that it was done in pixel was amazing I love all the details you have going on like the sparkling stars here the tree was amazing this whole piece was pretty amazing and no need to change anything on this one, you do brilliant work here.

no need to change anything on this one, you do brilliant work



It's cool because it's an action piece. The shadows and details of the characters are awesome. I'm not crazy about the blank background. I see it's necessary though because the figures are shadows. Without it being blank, we wouldn't be able to see them. I'm a little sad that we don't see more of the creature, but from the angle used, you get the sense that it's probably enormous and dangerous

I would think about adding a small ounce of color but its great as is.


Very nice work

So this was some nice work its an amazing art piece here has a very dark element about it you really bring it alive so nice job indeed, I feel like some added sparkles and shines in the backround, but honestly this was some amazing work indeed, I really enjoyed this fine piece of art.

I feel like some added sparkles and shines in the backround


Ploobul responds:

While your "suggested" ideas have been noted, they have been decreed aesthetically naff and discarded.

Another nice character

So here was another nice character here you have some great ideas for characters and the fact that these are done in pixel form these are very nice detail too even if it is the old ms paint and now pixel form, always nice to see some nice work here.

this piece is fine as is.


Very cool

Not only does this have some amazing color but its a nifty demon or creature the glowing eyes are very nice maybe some added glow on the eyes, really great use of color though and great design you have some nice ideas and make them come alive with something unique.

the glowing eyes are very nice maybe some added glow on the eyes


Shamfoo responds:

Thank you! I left the eyes somewhat blank because I planned to animate it. Maybe I'll actually do it one day!

Notbad at all

So this was a fun entry even to a contest in your name lol, but regardless a fun and cute character great backround too no changes are needed at this time, I like your style here, so keep at this and keep making these kinds of art pieces they are nifty and unique and even rare in there own way.

no changes are needed at this time



Wow some amazing work here you really know how to use colors, almost feel like some added colored borders or frames would be a huge plus here, this was a pleasent joy to see. It kind of reaches out and grabs at you in away as do special art pieces and this one just kind of pulls you in

feel like some added colored borders or frames would be a huge plus here


Amazing amount of color and detail

Wow once again the color is amazing it just jumps out at you. An added extra bit could be some added colored borders or frames, Some Amazing amount of color and detail here with this piece you really have some nice energy in this one with all the amount of color use and you really make the color work for the structure of this all and was really nice stuff so nice effort indeed.

An added extra bit could be some added colored borders or frames


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