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This was actually one of your better detailed pieces love the feilds here, It is submissions like this that really bring out the creative side, with all the effort and detail, I think more could be added like a sunset of sorts, Glad I found something really artistic today, just keep up the creative wheels turning and keep creating especially with effort and passion like these fields.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm there really is a lot of detail in that yellow... thanks man, keep 'em reviews churning too, creative ways to phrase the critique end contribute to potential future greatness and greater growth! TY!


This is like the other one except just had some rotate tool action and some added colors have to say the added colors are nice, This is the sort of stuff that I have really come to enjoy even if the same style lol, a pretty nifty piece you have crafted up but anyways keep up the fantastic designs and patterens these are pretty nice, love the small details within it all.


Cyberdevil responds:

Right, exactly. XD It started that way, though I did expand on it a little too, the dots are new...

Thank you!

Nice black and white

A great desktop element or nice backdrop this has an abstract feel about it and a nice patteren, These types of pieces are always artistic and they bring something new to the table, nice job here and you have shown some black and white detail a lot is desired here in this piece, but anyways another fun patteren and design that you have created for us all to enjoy, anyways nice art piece.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it. :)

Fantastic color

A big boot lol There is some really nice color element that you have showcased in this and for me color is such a huge thing and you really made every bit of this with some amazing vibrant color elements its showcased so well, Its pieces like this that sometimes the color is even better then the focus point but you did an amazing job on the focus design and ofcourse the beautiful color placed here so awsome job indeed.


Color is amazing

A wild character here It is pieces like this submission that bring out the best in us all this particular piece has some awsome energy and some beautiful element of design, and for me the fantastic color use is just off the hooks and really wish more people would use more color elements in a unique way like you have done so here on this entry, you have showcased some nice talents and amazing use of color so please do keep making color pieces.



Now this was pretty intense I love the design on this and the dot like detail colors are notbad but feel it could have had more domminant ones, the leafs on the branch or thats what it seems like was a nice touch, this was a nice blend of creativity and design love the imagination on this, but regardless of anything I have to say you have created another fine art submission.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you man. :) Not totally happy with the character in this one, but the stick! That part.

A dream

This reminds me of a city in the far distant or an odd dream of a new world, a fine piece of art you have showcased here for us all to enjoy Love the flair about this, some nice flair and flavour in this the colortones are simple but has some unique depth about it as for me it creates some nice dreamy elements, but besides that this was actually pretty good stuff anyways nice work.


Cyberdevil responds:

Ah I can definitely see the resemblance there too! TY for the good review!


So this was pretty colorful of a character love the vibrant tones here I like your vibe here keep making fantastic stuff such as this one I have really enjoyed it I love this find You have a decent art piece it has alot of interest level It was a delightful piece and I had a pleasure reviewing this, Its a fun character you could even animate it somehow, anyways nice job.



So looks like you got bored again lol, I will say I like all the different color swirls though, Its not everyday you can come across stuff like this, but will say that the color was my fave not sure what the number 2 or 28 means but overall its a nice little art piece you have created here, and do hope you make even more like this one as it caught my eye, anyways nice work.


Cyberdevil responds:

Does this look the result of boredom?! XD I don't know if I'm ever bored really, just trying to hone my artistic side a bit; get creative with it at least one month each year. With this one I think I drew out the eight lying down like this to sybmolize infinity, 2 infinity, IOW that I'd keep doing these forever. Or that art is forever. That the motion is. Maybe I didn't have that much a motive behind it... I like how it turned out anyhow. Thanks for the review; glad you liked it!

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