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Love the color

There is a lot going on in this but the color is amazing I always love some color and can focus in on one point but the use of color here really brings out this whole piece much more and shows off some nice talents and depth in the piece as well, awsome focus points too It really just jumps out at you with some amazing ideas and some good little details, So for me this was pretty unique and just rides its own element of color and all that is a plus so awsome work.


Beautiful color

Love the character here and cute You did an amazing job on the focus design and ofcourse the beautiful color placed here you have showcased some nice talents and amazing use of color, It really just jumps out at you with some amazing ideas and some good little details, There is some really nice color element that you have showcased in this, It is pieces like this submission that bring out the best in us all this particular piece has some awsome energy.



A cyborg of some type the detail is awsome especially in the legs I would go even farthur as to ad some shine and sparkle What an amazing art piece to find I for one look forward to even more from you because this was pretty amazing and just a nice sight for some artwork, you have made some interesting strives here that make this a great piece and glad I found it.



There is a lot here lots of fine characters and lots of detail within all the different window points, An interesting piece of art indeed njoy reviewing stuff like this so please do make more of this for us because this is the kind of artwork that really catches the eye, But anyways this was another nice art piece love the variety in this one and look forward to even more.



Now this one does remind me of waves and such, the color theme you have here is really nice and they blend well, I also like the splash at the top as its a bit wild, I like that you didnt focus on the number as much but its still there, A fine art piece as these kinds of works are different and unique and thats exactly what you have made here, Really like the wave element here.


Cyberdevil responds:

The number more a signiture than a motive in this one hmm... I do love drawing water too... and water, overall. Sometimes it turns out better sometimes a little wavy. Thanks for the review!


So I kind of like the color theme here its like a bright light orange or a med yellowish regardless its a nice pattern and design and could even go for a nice desktop or even for ones phone or tablet, But once again this was a nice piece here, I must say it was a pleasure checking this one out so keep art alive with many more works, anyways untill the next one its been a pleasure.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeaah I should try making some of these wallpaper size, wonder what the resolution is for phone, might be easier to work with than desktop...

As always appreciate the reviews! Thoughtful; true. TY!


Well you cant go wrong with pico, this was a very good one seems like the color was good especially on his hair and gun work, simple but fun, Good job on creating such elements and design with a great vibe and for pico day at that, so in my opinion you have a nice entry here and not just a simple color element but some nice design so good job indeed on this one, keep up the amazing work.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you man, and for the steady of stream of reviews overall! Much appreciated.


This had some nice energy behind it and some nice color too Energy and vibe thats what I get from this creative piece of art So as I extended this review a tad further and before we do come to an end here I would like to say It was fun reviewing this


Rovertarthead responds:

Ah nice yes thank you very much always great to try new methods of arts and ideas. Thank you for the review and you message I appreciate it!

Very cute

Here was another fun character and some nice animation added in there From the inside out this is a unique art piece and a good find in the portal this piece has shown the desire that you are accustomed too Such class Such style make more like these they are fun.



This was cute and the animation was just pretty good if you ask me very nice bounce too Right from the start you bring this art piece alive I really enjoyed reviewing this today and cant wait to review more from you, I hope to do so again maybe of some future work of yours cute character


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