A cute piece
So cherries it is and this was a cute piece love the abstract feel about it almost feel like the backround needs a tad more to it some added detail spots or something.
as suggested above
A cute piece
So cherries it is and this was a cute piece love the abstract feel about it almost feel like the backround needs a tad more to it some added detail spots or something.
as suggested above
Love the energy in this
The creature or dragon or dragon hunter is an intense design that you have created very nice work love every little bit of detail here, I may suggest make a series of different creatures? some very good energy you put fourth into this one and thats what I have really enjoyed about this one, so nice work here indeed, so keep up the interesting and artistic work as it was a beautiful visual of creativity.
I may suggest make a series of different creatures?
I like it
So this one here was another cute piece of a great character the water idea is interesting the black backround really accents the character itself so good work here look forward to even more
Really no changes, its a solid piece of work
Very nice indeed
Wow the character is amzing, Your name looks so familuar dont remember where it comes to mind but regardless this was a great art piece, there is a lot here This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent of what you have created here at the idea and concept of this entry, A very acurate idea and design
Dont have any changes in mind
So I found this to be a rather cute character piece love the black backing on this it seems to focus on the character more and as for the character you did a fantastic job to bring out the details.
none needed
Wow intense
I have to say your work is amazing I especially love this piece its an interesting piece and kind of reminds me of my own soul and such, these reds and white really work well, I think as an idea some sort of frame or fancy border would be something to think about, it will Appropriately Conclude here. So untill next time I hope you can keep making entries such as this one and with the creative energy as this one too.
I think as an idea some sort of frame or fancy border would be something to think about
thank you but this is art from my book so there's no need for borders.
Well its art however you look at it I think the expression of eyes was just perfect lol, the watermelon was nice too overall this was a fun art piece and the theme well it is what it is.
I would add some dripping element of the watermelon
Oh wow
The red colors on this are pretty intense with the fire power too great view too besides all that this was an amazing piece of work very detailed
Nice detail
So you have some nice detail here the black and white theme is good love how its not just straight forward but has some unique visual about it
You have a nice style of character design especially when it comes to cute characters, wouldnt mind some details in the backround or even some color based backing, you have added some nice details within the characters a mysterious touch in there aswell. You have the Desire to have a Grand Polish on this one and that alone gives off a great feeling of Exhilaration So hope you enjoy this little Critique and this Extended portion of the review
wouldnt mind some details in the backround or even some color based backing
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