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A great character

So here we have a great character love the view here as he looks on and the sunlight beats down just like if some action is about to take place, so with all that said keep up the amazing work.

its a beautiful awsome piece no changes needed


such a wickedly design and patern

Nice work does seem like you could have a few extra lighting effects in there, nice elements love the effects you have on this piece, So this was A very deep and intense design you have showcased it well, such a wickedly design and patern here its stuff like this that really amaze me you have some good style of imagination here.

does seem like you could have a few extra lighting effects in there


Amazing color

So first of all some really great characters here love the fine lines awsome smoothness and great use of color aswell as some nice shines so I wouldnt change a thing on this masterpiece hope you do make more like this one.

I wouldnt change a thing on this masterpiece


GorudoGames responds:

Pieces like this take a lot of time to do xp And happy you would call this a masterpiece, but I doubt we'll be making more like this :(

Pixel at its greatest

I call this one pixel at its greatest moment so there for no changes needed, This just Radiates a blend of unique style about it, so keep up the positive ideas and effort. This was actually a very Refreshing piece that I have come to enjoy very much

pixel at its greatest moment so there for no changes needed


DaaWeeD responds:

what a full feedback, thanks for that. It took me a while, but I wanted to answer you (and everyone). thank you so much

An awsome piece

I think if you addded some more lighting come out from the center it would showcase it better, you really know how to intertwine the lines and details you have A Unique piece of art here viewing it in different points has a nice effects An awsome piece indeed and glad I had the chance to review this fine piece of art here some really nice patern and design here.

I think if you addded some more lighting come out from the center it would showcase it better


Great detail

So here with this sexy character you really added the passion and even made the suit shiny it pops off well with the shine, the black backround is nice but wish there was more then just the black

as mentioned above


Love the color here

The color really posps off well and looks like the character is ready to jam hard, no changes come to mind for this piece, You have some Dedicated ideas and art work here, So it was a pleasure reviewing this piece and I hope one day to review more of your work as I thought it was a unique piece

no changes come to mind for this piece


An awsome design here

Wow I love the lighting effect how it beams down then the design spreads out this was more of a pleasure it has some dynamic element, you have some intense insight on these kinds of patterns and designs, An awsome design here, so props to you on the overall end results here as I was pretty amazed and it was a pleasure.



Great portrait

Its like a combo of character design here, love the grouped face and head shots and love the shine on the hair too you have some amazing skills and showcase it well here so nice job indeed.

some backround color base would be cool


Another intense piece

So here was another masterpiece you have created the pinks and violets really come thru well, keep Dedicated ideas and Refreshing concept for future projects just like you have done here, very pleasing on the eye here it is a fantastic piece you have dawned on us



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