
17,993 Art Reviews

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I love the color

So with this one you have really pushed the color and made it fun each comic frame is nice and exciting and thats what jumped out at me here



Well this one was a pretty cute one with the pose here the white backround is nice but seems like there could be more done there anyways nice job

This was a fun minecraft art

Haha this was nice I love me some minecraft too wish there was much more blood splatter in this one, some nice art here with some great minecraft themed element some nice detail in this one some really nice visuals, This was a fun minecraft art piece here Im a fan of minecraft myself so this was kind of cool very nice to see some nifty minecraft art.

wish there was much more blood splatter in this one


What a fun creature here

This was unique I especially love the center eye you could even have that glowing, props to you on a unique design here What a fun creature here with some detailed visuals and some good insight on a unique creature you have impressed me for sure on your design here and I feel the imagination comes into play in this one so nice job indeed.

the center eye you could even have that glowing


A fabulous comic element

Nice short comic I could see you expanding on it and making it longer Well here was a nice comic idea here you have some cool ideas about a comic and you have presented them well in this piece as this was a nice comic so good work here and do make more I especially like this one it is a nice comic and some really nifty visuals that came along with it.

short comic I could see you expanding on it and making it longer


A unique design

Allthough in black and white I still have enjoyed this piece What we have here is A unique design of an automobile as it really looks like some effort was put into this car design some nice unique details pop off right away and you bring on some cool visuals too so overall this was pretty good efforts of the design itself.

make a colored version


This was nice

The whole piece is like a big poster that sword is pretty intense and has a nice visual point you could even ad some sparkle and shine to it, anyways great stuff here.

sword is pretty intense and has a nice visual point you could even ad some sparkle and shine to it


Very cool

The ghastly flames were right on maybe adding a luminating visual would be a nice touch, A fun little character here and great visual with a simplistic point of design.

flames were right on maybe adding a luminating visual would be a nice touch


Once again a nice minecraft element

Bananna pie lord? lol this creation here you have created is pretty impressive and do hope you make more like this, Once again a nice minecraft element here and just admire the detail within this piece here, you really impress me, so nice job indeed, and I look forward to even more.

nice work no changes needed


Gx3RComics responds:

It's a Let's Player I used to follow a looooooong time ago.
IDK if they even make vids anymore.

Thanks for the comment!

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