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This was a nice piece especially with your twist on the statue of liberty it has a really nice shine and glare and that made it come off well the pinkish hair is also a plus does seem to give it some added color i think adding in a crack on her crown would be a plus to showcase some wear and tear maybe even a smudge or two just a small idea anyways nice version here



So here was another cute one only this time it comes with some flashing and even more intense on the end flashing of this whole animation point now the dog at hand is a good focus and well drawn with some nice lines and cute on top of that you have made for another good and simple drawing so nice job here and i look forward to even more but maybe not the flashing lol



So i found this one to be pretty cute i do think the animation of the crying was pretty good and flowed down the face realistically but overall a fun and cute character that you have created here its the simple and cute character piece like this that make me enjoy reviewing them even more so really nice job here anyways keep making the the fun the simple and the cute art submissions


Such a beautiful piece

I love me some pixel artwork but you go beyond with the animation of the snow onlything I may have changed here may have been more glowing from the moon and maybe a few sparkles on the back end focus, the characters were just about amazing, and you made a fun and enjoyble experience for all to enjoy, You have established something really interesting here among other things I found this to be Groovy and even somewhat, unique, so I do look forward to seeing more of your work soon.

onlything I may have changed here may have been more glowing from the moon and maybe a few sparkles on the back end focus



So these characters are fun you gave them a fresh look and such its simple yet very fun in detail, I got a positive experience from this one, you have shown us this great piece sofar, You already have a professional touch on this one, Ok good art type here I didnt see much that it was lacking but it was pretty amusing and pretty nifty and I had some fun with it, You have some good insight on how to make these things and you do well on them so props to you on this fresh looking art piece these characters are nice.

No changes needed


Foamy Art

Here is a different take on foamy but I like this version here wish there was some backround in this one, Its some nice foamy art work you have created here even added some of your own twists and such giving it that edge the comical element is always a pleasure, but overall this was pretty good stuff and hope to come across more of your work sometime soon.

Doesnt need any updates


Beautiful character

Well I dont need to tell you but you already know you do some good work the character details from the hair and ears it all just flows together with each line and color stride so nice job indeed make more soon.

None needed its an awsome piece


Very nice

Well this was not pixel but you have some nice colors and really good blends of the color and textures still wish there was more on the backround though as it could have showcased the focus more, anyways nice art piece



Foamy at his best

Somthing about his hands lol you have some nice ideas and this was a fun foamy element of art, amazing and entertaining just like you have created here with this foamy submission, This was foamy at his best but regardless you have a nice submission of foamy art here and was pretty impressed.

Foamy moment

Cant seem to find any needed changes


This is nice

A well drawn piece here it looks like a mouse the ears came off well and her expression is for sure steamy but really well made character here and love the backround wish there was more sparkly stars and such.

As suggested


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