
17,993 Art Reviews

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Now this is creative

This one here was pretty creative especially with the choice of colors that green could almost have some sort of glow effect but over the blue it really pops out so that was a plus and not too hard on the eyes lol, its an endless twist of lines that keeps on going almost like something you may see in outter space, regardless this was once again another nice entry here.


Cyberdevil responds:

It does glow doesn't it. :) Real happy with how this one turned out, glad ya liked!

Nice commission

Another cool commission that pink like texture seems to really pop off well and the fact you can pull that off with water color is really nice. Its got a beautiful shine and sparkles.

Your character work is as always amazing and since this is a commission its awsome but you have a way with water color and character design and always know what nice little details work so props to you on a beautiful piece of art anyways once again nice commission.


A beautiful piece

Once again another beautiful character the red red outfit really came off well very good texture and design and the flow or the dress as in an action mode just comes alive the character details also have nice visuals its character pieces like this that really stand out so nice work


Action fight

You can see an intense action fight here really makes it feel like a big movie wrapped up in this one piece so nice job, You cant go wrong with a nice art find like this one here, I love the Freshness of this art piece So I am fully supportive of this Engaging piece a superb piece, A pleasure to have seen this piece of creativity.

Its stuff like this with the whole scene fom the color the close ups and just a very nice element of action going on a beautiful design indeed, Art at its best a very unique piece if you ask me, this was something different and I like what you have done here and have presented something unique and different, so as I finally get this review finished, my overview of this whole piece is that of a positive one, because this was pretty good keep doing what you do.


Gornik6 responds:

Thanks a lot. Your words warm my heart. I hope you will see my new art pieces soon :)

Zombie element

This one goes deep with the color and texture very intense work here and some awsome character design you cant go wrong with some zombie style here so really nice work indeed, the zombie element here is strong there was the little details of it all that just pops out at you and forms such a fantastic zombie element of art and design so awsome work here.



This was nice and simple but the art is all on a world of its own it speaks to you and pops out with a vibrant of talent also love the use of color here and its like you are telling a story within a story so nice job, I love fun finds in the portal with these kinds of submissions, you have shown some good stylization, You have extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece, And now that we are at the end of the review I will say that it was a good find.


Awsome zombie art

I love your zombie creations especially the one with all the eyes I encourage you to make even more great zombie artwork, because this was some Awsome zombie art that you have created here a very good style and the artwork showcases great talent, I like your style and hope to see more of your work you have great talents.


Nice color

This one had some nice use of color and even shapes and designs but you blast it with some amazing color and design great character design too, Love when the portal has fantastic works of art such as this submission, An accomplished piece here entirely done and Passionately done, so not to dwell into the world you you have presented here I like your style here and love the vibe this gives off.



I really love the bright colors here especially with the hair and such nice zombie artwork here you have some nice ideas on this one and the art style really comes out well but anyways this was pretty good here you showcase some nice details that really makes it come off as a detailed zombie so really nice effort on your work.



This piece sparkles with shine and polish and really has some nice detailed polish too A really nice addition to the portal there was lots to see in this one and there was some good shown effort on your part, and that keeps me interested and wanting more, what can I say more about this interesting and unqique piece of art, Its an exclusive and accomplished piece


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