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A pixel gold find

Awsome pixel here love the sparkles kind of feel like those lights or sparkles could have more glow or even blinking element to them, you bring out some nifty details within the pixel world, so awsome job indeed, To me this is like a pixel gold find as you bring lots of amazing little details into this and show lots of nice efforts in bringing the pixel element alive anyways nice pixel submission.

kind of feel like those lights or sparkles could have more glow or even blinking element to them


Cool design and mold

Really unique character in clay backround seems fitting Well this was a nice design and mold creation you have here, Its the little things that really pop off well from this mold design you have created some nice and creative works here so nice job, but anyways keep up the amazing efforts and keep making amazing stuff like this.



Great Clay mold

I like the madness design here a Unique Clay Mold Here and the details really come alive you have a nice clay mold and I like the added detail from every edge and turn so make more and be creative as you have shown us here and its an honor to review this as it was a very unique art submission.


Nice scene

It was like a scene love the blood element kind of feel like it could use more splatter and droplets of blood, I am enjoying the vibe and energy you put into this one, This was explosive and savvy this was entirely something differnt so keep up the good work and always make things better with as much effort as possible but honestly you have done that, I will say this was some nice polished blend of effort and energy done here.


I love this piece

Now not just because I love sci-fi stuff but the drawing itself is amazing love how it creates a scene wish there was more to this and more backround, So I want to say this one was unexpected but its a nice piece of art you have here and it really grew on me as I dwelled deeper into what this really drew out.

Your idea is simple here but you mix it with a complex blend of detail and thats what really gets me into this even more, with that said I have enjoyed this piece right from the start and love your ideas here and would love to see much more of those ideas come alive in the future


What a nifty piece

Nice touch for the band theme this was a nice find like finding a gold coin on the ground and by that I mean this pixel piece has all sorts of nifty elements and the end results are pretty awsome with a great visual at hand so awsome work on this pixel art work. keep up the amazing work.

None needed here


AshSamael responds:

Fascinating it's still possible to find today, 13 years later. Thank you for your comment, glad you liked it so much!

A pixel masterpiece

The golden hair was a nice touch I feel like adding more sparkle to the shine of the hair could be a plus, I found this to be a pretty good piece infact I may call this a masterpiece of pixel elements especially in any finds for the day, you bring out some nifty details within the pixel world, so awsome job indeed and hope you keep making some awsome pixel designs and creations.

I feel like adding more sparkle to the shine of the hair could be a plus


What a fantastic mold design

This was a nice clay character love the cigar would be cool with more smoke element, I really like some clay designs here you have gone off and created some nice work here, I love the detail What a fantastic mold design that you have worked on here and this was really nice I love the energy and push for detail in this creation so really great mold design here.

would be cool with more smoke element


Nice mold design

Now this was awsome you went all out with a whole clay scene here and I dont normally see that I especially love the yellow creature, you have a good element and a good eye for the clay mold designs I like the details on this one and glad I had a chance to review this, Its the little things that really pop off well from this mold design and showcase that awsome detail, so nice efforts.

Its a nice mold no changes needed



I found the city or world within the character was different and unique just wish there was some added backround detail that added to that said world, A fun art piece with a nice vibe about it, Nothing done sinisterly here it yearns of good quality I got a good feel with this art piece, Busting out some attractive style here and your curb of creativeness is just amazing, Winding down on this one now you do have a decent piece of art works here.

wish there was some added backround detail that added to that said world


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