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And this was a nice and pleasing comic piece here very good effort and the graphics are pretty intense the story line is even better you have some really nice work here so I hope you make more on this one anyways keep up the amazing job

Make more to this one for sure and make them longer


Another good entry

So here was another good entry here you really have something special on this piece shows some really dramatic moments and shows some fantastic art would love to see more of this one really nice work here indeed so make more soon

Make these longer


Really nice

So here was some more parts of the Comcast or what seems like the comic I like the idea here with this one you seem to make lots of these comic pieces and you really make them come alive so keep that going good

Very nice comic style make more soon


Brilliant piece

So this was a "BRILLIANT" piece of art here It being a hollow knight I would love more of a glow effects like even more then you have seems it would be fitting, Its always a pleasure to see art pieces like this, as they are pretty nifty and interesting, seems like there could have been more to this but it was pretty interesting and was a good overall piece of art, and i for sure look forward to more stuff like this. You have the Desire and in my Extended portion of the review ill go more intodetail, So nice work and I hope you will make more stuff that comes out like this or somewhat simular, a style like this is pretty rare.

I would love more of a glow effects like even more then you have seems it would be fitting


I love bridges

So you have done some nice work on this "BRIDGE" I love bridges and building design, I like your bridge with lighting effects and all only issue I had was at the far end it seems like it goes into the water and not into the city, but other then that it is a nice bridge design here.

only issue I had was at the far end it seems like it goes into the water and not into the city


Nice comic here

And another piece of a comic Really nice work here and amusing aswell, So you have a nice comic here infact "THIS-WAS-REALLY-GOOD", you kept the viewer interested and you kept the viewer wanting even more from this comic so I hope there is more becaue this was "PRETTY-ENTERTAINING" of a comic, So keep making stuff like this it was brilliant.

No changes here it was brilliant.



Well cant get any better with "MARIO" and I like the newgrounds themed backround well the old one anyways, but as for that backround I would suggest adding some either shine or texture in the backround colors, as for mario he looks pretty well done nice shine nice form of the lines and you made a good renditton of classic mario that we all have come to love so I did enjoy it for its artistic value.

for that backround I would suggest adding some either shine or texture in the backround colors


Very nice

So "PIXEL" is always nice and you have some amazing pixel designs right here with this one, I am loving the "DETAIL" I do wish the canvus or view screen was much larger, but overall this was a fantastic piece of art here you have outdone yourself with this awsome piece.

Could be larger but maybe not its fine as is.


Very cool comic

Another great comic piece here, As I have mentioned before you should do more of these types and make a long running comic, So a very cool comic here, you have some interesting ideas that make this comic even better and would hope you keep them going more comic like entries would be a plus, so nice work here.

As I have mentioned before you should do more of these types and make a long running comic


Very cute

So this was a very cute piece here with some really nice "MIX" from mario to peach, My imput on this would be ad some more sparkle and shine on the stars and I would even suggest adding a plunger in the mix somewhere that would be a nice touch up, you do some amazing work though.

My imput on this would be ad some more sparkle and shine on the stars and I would even suggest adding a plunger in the mix


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