
17,993 Art Reviews

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Its Kirby

A fun adventure with this kirby its like he is in a game already lol Well its always nice to see an old classic character and kirby is a fan favourite he has such a cute design and great characteristics, the design here is welldone with some nice smooth effects of kirby himself so really nice design of a great character.


A kirby adventure

A very creative design with this one and seems like it came out well, Well this was cool and you cant go wrong with some stylish kirby art its like a kirby adventure all in one art piece and thats something speciall all in itself, so nice job indeed and would love to see people do more kirby like art anyways great stuff.


Deep detail

This was some nice work the character alone is nice some very intense detail in this even a deep backround, Here are these types of artworks that always grab my interest, its the effort and detail that goes into these that really get me interested So Props to you on a unique and interesting idea here so nice effort here, im no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me its clearly nice visually, you have some good ideas here and I like what you have done here today, You have shown the desire in this piece, And now as I end this review on this awsome piece of work, I like the artistic styles here and hope you keep that up.


A nice walk

This was a nice walk indeed some fun characters An important moment here with this awsome submission of yours, This was interesting and I actually found this kind of art pretty nifty you dont actually see this all the time and its always nice to see people making stuff like this, Detail has really shown out well here and you can see the effort here thats what I like about this piece


Sleek Robot Design

A sharp and sleek design love the bits of shine in there too I think some battle scars and dents would have been cool too, the robot stylish elements about Robots are fun so this must have been a nice drawing here you have some unique styles, This one has a sleek look about it you have added all the right touches and made for a great drawing and design here with a bit of robot-ness about it.


tomwlod responds:

Thank You :)

Nice robotic design

Or as one may say mechs and like the different view points on this one, So here was a Nice robotic design you have created here gotta love robot designs and drawings as this one was pretty good design here and love all the robot stylish elements about this one a good design and great art piece of robot style so keep up the good work.


Love for clowns

An oldstyle clown but very entertaining would have been nice with some added backround details I honestly dont see a lot of clown art on this site and I have been here for a long time so its nice to see a clown entry, so some nice clow work some nifty and unique details in the design art piece here you have some cool direction with your style too so I was pleased with this piece


A unique Clown of work

A female clow too very unique in design good quality of color and shine too You are pretty talented with this and you showcase some nice clown work here, The clown detail with the "SMOOTH-LINES" was pretty good, There is not much more I can say except that make more "GREAT-CLOWN-DESIGNS" such as you have here, because this was a pleasure to review.


A kirby classic

I like the variation you have here the top one has some very good quality I like me some kirby art any time of the week so this was something special this one here was a kirby classic if I do say so myself, so congrats on some fine details in this art piece and it was a pleasure to review some kirby art especially this piece.


A kirby element

Nice and simple with this one some added backround would be a plus, nice job indeed and would love to see people do more kirby like art a kirby element all in itself and you really bring out the details so awsome job here I like me some kirby art any time of the week so this was something special, and hope to see more soon.


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