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Lots of pink in here but of course its a vanentine day so nice job. Good color and use of it and of course it was another entertaining comic element these are always fun. Anyways keep up the good works as always.


Amazing work

Wow this one was intense I find myself looking more close to the sceen to see the fine details from creatures to the elements, It was a pleasure to review this piece as it has all sorts of nice visuals and details making it a fun piece to review, creation and imagination is always a blessing the talent and effort show off well here.

I always say its the little things that make a piece unique, And As I do end this review here soon, you have really outdone yourself here today, I always get pleasure from these types of artwork and its always a nice blessing finding these types from the art portal, Was glad to have seen this one keep up the interesting work.


ericinprogress responds:

Thank you! I really appreciate it.


This character was beautiful that star was nice I think even more sparkle on the star would have been a nice focal point I have foune one of my faves of the year and this kind of style and vibe is what keeps me comming back for more from the art portal, I am stunned how good this art piece is its be dazzlling, but as I do end this review I would like to say its a nice piece overall, A good design here and nice detail you have allowed us into your world with a unique style and thats what you have shown here, these types do tend to spark my interest more and more as I see them anyways a nice art design here.


Cool pokemon here

A nice combo pic here great view shot, So here was some nice pokemon character and you really cant go wrong with a nice pokemon character here, some nice smooth detail with some great pokemon characteristics and you bring the full pokemon world into effect with this particular art piece.


BlueStickBoi responds:

Ty! A lotta words man LOL


This was something different here love the one tone color and the sayings here was good and fitting, it was simple but also unique more could be added within the backround but overall this was some solid work, anyways keep up the amazing work.



I love the way you did this all the info was good and funny at times a good character design too You have pushed the limitsand shown some veryamazing talents with your efforts on this submission Its this type of style does great at times and other times its just average, But this time you have caught my interest and I like what I have seen sofar.


The splash

The splash is amazing as is the character I did think you could have done more with the backround, Magnificent artwork you have dwelled onto us with some amazing details its stuff like this that keep me interested in reviewing awsome stuff just like this, theres alot of nifty uniqueness in this So great start to a nice and nifty art piece.


A fun Clown design

I love the classic style of clown here and the paint color style is very nice This was a fun clown design you have here it was nice and unique from the linework to the inner detail you show off some of your talent within all the detail of the clown work here so really nice work here I like the visual of the clow work here so nice job.



Love the emotion on his face here very good color and shine too you cant go wrong with some nifty sonic art such as you have created here, the detail jumps out at you, Sonic and his bunch of characters are always a blast and you have created sonic in great fashion here so really nice job here on this one and I look forward to even more.


Sonic at his most fantastic

The color is harp and vibrant Now here was something special, Sonic at his most fantastic smooth and fresh a fantastic sonic indeed, its stuff like this that really comes alive, would love to see more people making art like this classic here anyways great stuff top notch work.


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