
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice work

This was some nice work shows off some nice detail here love the lighting effects and and visuals all throughout its a really nice character and just overall a beautiful piece I enjoyed your work here.


CuteNikeChan responds:

you're so sweet, thank you!!

Nice and red

I do like the red but seems like there was a lot of it maybe too much at times, but overall this was a nice visual and good cover overall, your art style is good and showcases well you have some nice details here so keep up the amazing work.


Clocks at there best

The colors are sharp and the shadows come in nice here on SBC So here was something good I really liked that you pushed a clock art piece here it was awasome work for sure and brings back some memories from back in the day when clocks were running crazy around here, but anyways a fun art piece and you cant go wrong with some clock adventure.


A wild clock adventure

Pineapple cloc very nice, also like the dark backround, Well you for sure have made a great And wild clock adventure with this fun art piece it has some nice elements that makes it such a nice art piece you really know how to bring out some nice style here, and some great visual overall, so nice job indeed.


Cool a Dinosaur design

Simple cute and green A Cool a dinosaur design here with some nice line detail I really like the line detail as it forms the dino really nice you have some nice talent when it comes to drawing and designing such a dinosaur and it shows well here I am very impressed with this design here.


Dinosaurs at its best

I like the outline here I can see you adding some black and white shades on this or color Some Dinosaurs at its best and you have created a great visual with this dino design you really have some nice drawing and art skills and made this one really come alive and jump out at you, I was impressed from the start to the finish and cant wait to see more.


Ari-Casino responds:

Thank you so much! I shall make another Dinosaur drawing in my new art style, since this is fairly old now :)


another well done and animated art piece the stars or sparkles was a nice touch, the characters are cute and amusing and nice addittion of the backround, overall you have a nice and fun art piece here I was pretty impressed on this one as all of your work it was a pleasure.


Very nice

The vibrant color on the outfit is very nice great expression on the face too, now let me get more into this review this is an incredible piece of work that you did, What a beautiful design and art piece of talent this was pretty nifty and something differant and thats always good to see, these are the types of art work I really enjoy reviewing, so keep doing what you do and keep bringing the talent.



An ocro crab looks pretty interesting A Simplistic piece bun also has its own complex element in its own way ofcourse, you have a nice style of art here some decent details in this piece but is still a simple yet nice piece of art so nice job here on this particular submission keep it up.


Clock art

Always love Raspberry Clock maybe some added detail in the backround would be cool, Here was some clock art and you cant really go wrong with the art here the clock element makes it fun, the style of it all was pretty stylish and you ad a bit of your own twist to it really making the style your own and thats what kept me interested.


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

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