
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice beach scene

You have outdone yourself here with this beach scene, An interesting image here and does seem to look like some sort of beach scene with some fun happy elements, Your character work and backrounds all come together and this was a pleasent piece here, even if just more subtle and such maybe some added lighting effects would be a plus, but regardless this was some pretty amazing work.



So I have never been to scotland but this is pretty nice art of scotland Creativity flows through this fine art creation In a way this was symbolic I like the polish you gave this, A nice view of the country ocean and lighthouse, Kind of feel like there could have been more small details in the backround some ocean life maybe some birds in the distance etc, but overall this was a nice art piece.



An interesting image here and does seem to look like some sort of smiley face and such, this one might even work better with some added backround even if just more subtle and such, but it is your idea so im sure its how you have wanted, still found it interesting these ink doodles are notbad and you showcase some nice efforts here, so please do keep it up.


Cyberdevil responds:

Ahh a smile yes... I do see that resemblence, though not intended, more so just a stylistic play with the numbers. :) Thanks for reviewing!

Nice pico

A nice pico and friends ad here And these are exactly the kinds of art pieces that do bring me some joy so nice effort here Such a nifty peice of art and element so awsome job, You have some nice skills and showcase some fan faves of the grounds would have been cool if you had even more character personalities too, but overall this was pretty nice work keep at it.


Cool design

This one brings all sorts of things to the imagination and some creative elements here, The black and white is always a fave of mine, now let me get more into this review this is an incredible piece of work that you did Every now and then you will come onto something stellar and thats what I saw here and along with all the blending of styles, a visual creative black and white piece here like blinds looking out into a world.


Cyberdevil responds:

One of my simplest ones this one, probably... creative analysis for such a piece! I probably did have something similar in mind when I drew it, though in this case those words definitely convey more than the visuals. Cool the visuals let convey such words.


This time the number twenty four not sure of the meaning if any, but does seem like you enjoy the numbers this piece also represented colors and shades and that seemed to come out nice, I love your work here Its a busting out art piece, and thats what you have done here today Always some amazing submissions in the art portal such as your art piece, but regardless I have enjoyed another one of your art entries.


Cyberdevil responds:

No meaning here no, that I recall at least... I do like drawing them for sure though. XD Glad you're enjoying 'em so far!

Number 5

So this was number five not sure about the number but the color seems to come in pretty well and you have some nice ideas with shadows or distant backround elements I like the stars I think have adding a moon or even double moon would have been nice, but overall your number five regardless of what it means was pretty good and it was an overall nice art entry here so nice work.


Cyberdevil responds:

It's a but a 5/31. ;) Though more symbolism with the words than with the design... good point on the moon, definitely would've worked well here, simple as it is otherwise. TY!


this kind of style and vibe is what keeps me comming back for more from the art portal, the numbers are nice maybe random maybe not but you make it look like its more, the 16 in red was nice, its not my fave 17 but still another fine art piece that you have created here and I have enjoyed your work here. so please do keep it up when you have time of course. anyways nice work.


Cyberdevil responds:

Apprecate it! :) More to come in October, hopefully!


Love your use of color especially with the backround really made the character standout even more, also some nice detail added on the character, So with this one we start out with the little things that make this work and its those little things that keep me interested. you have for sure sinisterly caught my attention, but anyways some good artwork here look forward to even more.


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