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I love the light color theme going on and some nice combo of characters here seems like they are having some fun lol my overview will be pretty positive here because this was some solid art work so nice work done here adding more to it would be great but as it is now its pretty good and honestly its very smooth looking



This was a unique design it being an ant is a nice little design and some added texture was a plus on this one love the black backround too I have noticed that you bring alot to the table with different styles and an interesting view here, anyways nice Ant


Awsome indeed

This was once again an awsome art piece realted to the scream elements the emotion in the facial expression was really nice, lots of talents in your blood so awsome work, a look of this sums up a strong willed and styleful piece nice piece indeed, keep making awsome stuff.


Good character

So this was a random type of character some nice detail like the helmet the backround was also refreshing A delightful art piece indeed with all sorts of interesting focal points hope to see more of what you can bring us because this was a beautiful


Awsome work here

The detail and emotion in the face is very realistic meaning you outdid yourself here with a brillint piece of art now for the extended portion of the review You have some nice polished elements in this piece These kinds of entries really move leaps and bounds with me, Great scream rendition here.



The glowing effect around the character is nice These are the types of pieces that really come alive with your own style of energy So as I get ready to critique this one I find it interesting you do have a fun piece of art work here, the fog in the backround is pretty nice too



The murder element is good on this one love all the details in each visual here What a fun art piece created here there was some very good areas and the whole piece has a nice visual element about it, But I really enjoyed what you presented here the skills you have you could make more stuff like this I love the desire you bring to the table, You have really pushed the limits on this piece, It has some interesting elements about this and I grew to like it but anyways I look forward to seeing more of it, So please do make more spiffy and unique stuff like this.



Really nice comic element you have here I live the vibrant colors within this whole piece very nice indeed, This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, The foamy element is also a big plus as always this was a pleasure to review so awome job indeed hope to see more.



You really did bring out the creative mind So this was a bit different some creative elements here, This was something different but I do like the style and idea here, The no pants club sounds like a good idea the characters came out well and some nice detail within so nice job.


Nice character

Well here was a nice character you have created allthough I wouldnt mind more backround besides the white template element, maybe even adding a backdrop like a city view or feild would be nice, but the character itself is nice love the colors on the outfit including the design, the helmet was nice I even think adding some added shine and sparkle on the helment would have been cool, but honestly this was a nice character here simple and complex in its own design, Jeep up the good work.


Wizardism responds:

Thank you! I was too focused on character design when I was working on this one. I hope to add more detail and background elements to future projects. I appreciate the feedback!

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