
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very sleej design and nice shine on this sonic This here was a fantastic art piece its a dose of sonic with a pinch of a bit of magic and creativity, fun to see submissions of sonic and how all the beautiful art style comes together, I found this entry to be pretty amazing but especially love that its sonic, but regardless This was pretty good and some nifty work you have some nice talents and you showcase it here.



Well I guess she is thinking hard and based on this art piece looks like she is heavy in thaught, love the character design of her and good facial expression too your style has energy and it gives off a nice groove about this so nice effort on this fine piece of work here, anyways nice character of pauline



A nice piece here loading the animation part of this art piece was really nice too I like these types of art pieces because while they are not perfect but they bring a certain artistic value to the portal, love the vibrant colors too and over the black backround it all came a live



This was nice with the animation of tapping the foot An amazing piece of art here just seems to come together with the right details, this art entry really jumps and pops out at you with a sleek design, Im not the biggest fan of sonic but this piece was pretty amazing and you made it look easy, Its pieces like this that I really enjoy reviewing because its fun fresh and well designed so props to you on such a nice piece of art.



Well once again some nice work some beautiful use of color here and lots to see with some nice visual details here love the use of color on this one, anyways this was entirely honest of me and I love your work here Its a busting out art piece and thats what you have done here today, love the use of color on this one


Fun character

Moth girl looks good and like the toned color element here too A fun character indeed if I do say so myself this one here looks well designed with some nifty visual detail but you gave it a sexy look and made the character turn heads including mine lol it for sure is a sexy looking character with all those fine details and smooth lines and curves and that's what I liked about this character you added texture and depth creating a fun character



I give this the wow factor this was very impressive love the paint style and for sure add some frame onto this unique piece here I always say its the little things that make a piece unique, and for me this was very artistic and just jumps out at you anyways nice work here



I have to say that this was nice and with the yellow and blue there it was a unique design of a character and a naughty element it seems I cant say no to this great art piece here fine idea of artwork and you really pushed the envelope here and made something worth the search, nice unique character



Well its a nice birthday scene here and seems like they had a blast lol nice character art here Its art pieces like this that always make me enjoy reviewing them even more I really like the polished ideas here you bring a nice blend of them forward, A good birthday suprize


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