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Luscious character

Wow that purple shiny hair is awsome very flowing and a beautiful shine Of course a sexy visual that jumps out at you with some very smooth forms and an amazing pose to top it off you really know how to make an awesome character and all the fine details do show off very well in this beautiful and sexy character all rolled into one with a style of it's own you bring out some nice and sexy feel about the character infact it was a very luscious character indeed



This was nice I kind of feel like if you added a floral frame or border it would accent it better Well you cant go wrong with some kirby art and you have really pulled off some nice details of kirby here and some nice elements flashy visual detail that shines with every glance and thats a big plus, The fact that you created some nice kirby design was just so fun and a great experience to review here so awsome job indeed, So with all that said I was pretty impressed with this kirby art entry.


Wow nice

The color is really rich here and love all the detail with the backround even the picture in the wall You cant go wrong with this kind of art but then again it has a simple nature about it aswell And you let it bloom in its own satisfying way and I hope this feedback will give you as much exhilaration as it gave me, love your commission design here



Kirby simple and in pixel form cant go wrong there love it I call this one some kirby mania because you really know how to create that old classic character and its fun seeing good ol kirby once again, Dont get to see some old classics like this but it was a fun moment and good to review too with some really nice details within the art piece and some nicfty new ideas that come from your own style but it was a real plus seeing kirby again.



So this was nice and its a black and white version very cute character These are the kinds of art pieces that I really come to enjoy This one really caught my eye the deep style of talent really shows off well with this one, the detail is amazing in this piece and thats what really catchs my eye keep embracing us with your talents, love the black and white


Cool stuff

Nice portrait piece the was nice the sunflowers are nice and the bees too made for a nice and cute character What an amazing piece here This one is in the spotlight as you bring in some energetic flavour to the scene You have captured some Very nice stuff here you really show off the detail here the detail does speak out to you, I like these types of art pieces because while they are not perfect but they bring a certain artistic value to the portal, cute character and bees


Haha nice

I guess they are having some saturday night fever lol nice art on these gys you could even ad on some sparkly dancing lightes, A fun art piece with a nice vibe about it, Nothing done sinisterly here it yearns of good quality I got a good feel with this art piece, its dico night


Awsome Kirby

UFO Kirby that was a nifty idea and the animation was nice also love the quirky backround with the animated stars You cant get anymore awsome then some good classic kirby now with this particular kirby entry you seem to have added in your own style and ideas and thats a plus all across the board so I was pretty pleased with your art submission here especially because it had some kirby element and detail, It shines with good ol kirby and you cant go wrong there so nice kirby submission here.


Cool Kirby

Love the splash like backround like if kirby is jumping into action You have really pulled off some nice details of kirby here and some nice elements flashy visual detail, you really know how to create that old classic character and its fun seeing good ol kirby You cant get anymore awsome then some good classic kirby now with this particular kirby entry you seem to have added in your own style and that was a pleasure to see so great kirby here.


Another good one

And once again another fine portrait piece here still wish the backround was more filled in, A beautiful vibe of artwork here its for sure a pleasure to review this piece it has detail and it has a certain vibe of creation that jumps out at you, anyways beautiful water color and portrait piece


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