
17,993 Art Reviews

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Nice scene

You have another nice scene here love how the water really does look like some flow so this was a great action scene Its things like this that I have come to really enjoy because they show the true energy and style that are within these kinds of art pieces, You always do some nice work and the characters are cute and funny so once again nice work here on the art portal here


Cute combonation

So this was a very nice combonation but most of all love the color especially backround too I have foune one of my faves of the year and this kind of style and vibe is what keeps me comming back for more from the art portal I am stunned how good this art piece is its be dazzlling, but as I do end this review I would like to say its a nice piece overall, great backround work too



Pike in an action mode here and a very detailed pike at that love how all the colors blend wekk These are the kinds of art pieces that I really come to enjoy This one really caught my eye the deep style of talent really shows off well with this one, the detail is amazing in this piece and thats what really catchs my eye keep embracing us with your talents, Cant go wrong with some pike



Beautiful work on this one I love all the detail but especially love the amount of color within all the characters this was like one grand poster I am enjoying the vibe and energy you put into this one This was explosive and savvy this was entirely something differnt you have a great desire to make some nice stuff, So heres a piece that seems to amaze me its pieces like this that really draw me into the art portal because these are a nice piece of art and design, this was like one grand poster


Wow nice

Not sure who the twisted sisters are but this was some nice character work and the color just pops off so well love the color here Just the perfect dose of art of the day as I dont come across many perfect art pieces but this was pretty close so great job on this one, your style has energy and it gives off a nice groove about this so nice effort on this fine piece of work here, great use of color on this one



Well this drawing takes me back because I use to play that game and this was notbad of a drawing wish you had some added color in this You bring alot to the table with a twist of energy A polished blend of style and your own vibe on this thats what I really saw here today, but on my ending notes here I do have to say and comment that this was a decent piece here interesting and even entriging, wish you had some added color in this


ZRDR responds:

You know what, just for you, I'm going to redo this and add color.

Nice character

This was a nice portrait type here the character is amazing the color is very good, and even a nice frame here A really nice dose of art piece here Well what can I say this is a delightfull art piece you have presented us with here You have formulated a magnificent piece here, Now its something like this that really stands out at you with its element of detail and effects that come alive in one swoop, A good portrait style piece here



This is normally different then your character work but I think its awsome and a colorful and very creative piece with plants and life I tend to say create a good foundation and maximize that passion and energy into more success you have done just that Art at its best a very unique piece if you ask me, awsome work here


Cool minecraft

Oh I love these very fresh looking and you have two of them very nice minecraft pieces here Now this here was a nice art piece on the whole minecraft element here, and for me thats a big plus of things and with all this said I do want to say its been a pleasure, Because you have some nice skills and a good focus on the minecraft design here, So for me this was a big plus to find some nice artwork surrounding some minecraft style here and hope you make even more.



So this was a cute piece some funny and cute character work you have here love the color and poses too here was another great discovery from the portal you have a good entry this was a large hearted and dedicated piece the art shows off well all on its own and the talent shines well, love the color and poses too


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