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Well here we are another awsome character love that you have the car in the backround looks pretty good love the colors on this This art entry was kinda neat and had some positive points and so on Now dont get me wrong this is actually a good discovery and was glad to find this little gem, another awsome character


Awsome character

Now this was an awsome character love the pose and stance, that sheild was nice would have loved more sparkle and shine Indeed there was some decent effort of work here The effect that this gives off was nifty and unique An interesting submission of art with some good energy surrounding it, So thats my critique as you have a remarkable style and talent but overall I thought this was actually a pretty good piece, would have loved more sparkle and shine amazing character regardless



He is cute and ready for some battle, I love the flame and nice lil detail with the teeth showing, I love me some minecraft especially some nice art style like this one you have presented here so all in all it was nice to review your beautiful minecraft design here, And you cant go wrong with the little details that make this minecraft style with an added twist of your own, awsome stuff that you have graced onto us but anyways great minecraft stuff here, and really do hope to see more down the road, Cute lil zombie


Wow nice

The character is amazing that orange color is so vibrant it is well placed, her pose is cute, and love the simple backround on this character, I am enjoying the vibe and energy you put into this one This was explosive and savvy this was entirely something differnt you have a great desire to make some nice stuff, So heres a piece that seems to amaze me its pieces like this that really draw me into the art portal because these are a nice piece of art and design, love the simple backround on this character



Well I will say is that the animation on the pixel character was notbad, I do feel like you could have added some backround to accent the character even more, showcase the world of this character, but overall it was nice, and the animation was nice too


Nice character

So this was cool I love the color tone on this, some fine detail within the blues there but very nice work Fully loaded with the unexpected thats the vibe I get from this and thats just the start of things Seems like there was some good time and effort put into this, love the blues and purples in this, He is thinking hard


Unique minecraft

The Iron Golem is always nice and this one shows off his beautiful artistic colors well done on the iron golem Now this was a unique art piece a great minecraft submission into the art world of it all and I have enjoyed it very much, I love the detail you added onto this, I still enjoy the games today and thats why I enjoy this piece just as much anyways great stuff, and to see the visual here of a unique minecraft style is a big plus and I have enjoyed reviewing it on top of that, well done on the iron golem



Wow I love this the color and texture is deep and its like looking into a world of chaos love this view point here Well this was nice we see some nice art here with the madness element and you bring together some fine detail in the madness focus its always nice to find artwork like this especially themed madness style you bring on a nice work of art, some added twists of your talents showcased in this madness art but I have enjoyed most of what you have graced us here with so nice madness art


Mama Gram

Not sure who she is but the character is well done and some nice use of color but also you created some nice backround to accent the character hard at work here Its art pieces like this that always make me enjoy reviewing them even more I really like the polished ideas here you bring a nice blend of them forward, so you have shown me what you can realy do with this piece here you have showcased some awsome stuff with great detail, you created some nice backround to accent the character hard at work here


Awsome madness

A battle scene here but also has a nice poster element I might suggest more of a domminant border on this, You cant get any better than you have here the madness style is a plus all across the board and you make for a really nice detailed piece but I do love me some nice madness style and you have even added in some nice focus and detail points and thats something I always look for so awsome work indeed and long live the madness styles as you have created here today anyways nice work, I might suggest more of a domminant border on this


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