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Nice and dark

So this here was a nice and dark character you have created wish there was more to the backround, but the character is well done A fun art piece with a nice vibe about it, Nothing done sinisterly here it yearns of good quality I got a good feel with this art piece, Busting out some attractive style here and your curb of creativeness is just amazing and its always nice to find gems like that in the art portal, good character detail in this one


Dragalo responds:

Thank you for the thoughtful criticism ! Also I would agree with your point about the background it really wasn't as planned as the drawing of the character was.


Very nice art here also love the animation version too the animation of him swinging the shivel is nice very smooth indeed This is by far a major element of some nice visual artwork here This is one of those pieces of art that really can stand out at you and tell you a story about the piece at hand, This was an impressive piece of art it has some nice detail and an overall good visual effect so very nice work here, nice character here and nice animation



This character you gave the right expression with passion and those eyes are amazing the whole piece looks great nice character work here Indeed there was some decent effort of work here The effect that this gives off was nifty and unique An interesting submission of art with some good energy surrounding it, So thats my critique as you have a remarkable style and talent but overall I thought this was actually a pretty good piece, nice character work here



I love the detail of your work here you really know how to capture the view like from top view here great character too An awsome piece of art here now let me get more into this review Some real work of art piecing everything together in this one, And so with this piece The fires of creativity burning within another inspiring piece this is an incredible piece of work that you did, awsome view of the character from top


Great character

So this character was pretty good love the colorful outfit and that purple backdrop is pretty amazing fits well with the well details character, You have amazed me with the style and vibe here your art sparkles with a sense of unique style nice creation here, Almost feel like there could be a bubble text of some sort with a snazzy or comical saying of some sort anyways nice character.


An awsome bird design

Love the fresh designs here and nice faint backround too Well as my title says an awsome bird design here, I was really impressed with your talent you have certainly created a nice bird element You bring out some nice details within the design and for that alone you get props from me so nice job indeed.


SomeTinyCritter responds:

Thank you, X! This is a very, very old design but I appreciate your kind words all the same! ^-^

Nice character

Its a fun and simple character the visual is somewhat blurred but that maybe your intent the character itself looks pretty good and detail too I am no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me a style like this is pretty rare and unique I have enjoyed the results nice work here all the way around, But besides all that this was a nice character and the red dress was great.



Well this was somewhat different but I do like the darkness of the character and the eyes are nice I feel like there could be more glow from the eyes of sorts I like the groove you added to this piece And finally What more can I say that I have not mentioned already it has a uniqie and interesting vibe, as mentioned maybe some added effects and glow from the eyes anyways nice character


oldkiska1998 responds:

Thank you, I tried

Purple madness

Its a beautiful scene of the character I especially love the purple and lavander color element here a fun and great character here, The flavour you bring to this entry is just beautiful you have presented a good piece with awsome style, Even the backround came out well, This kind of piece needs some animated lights and elements for that extra touch, anyways nice submission.



The glow and vibrant effect on the line work of the character a really good design here on this character, This here was a nice piece of work and seemed to come a live as I dwell deeper into the visual here, Seems like this can be a popular themed pice maybe even adding a series of these types of characters, but overall this was some nice work here, make more of these types we would all enjoy them.


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