
17,993 Art Reviews

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Awsome work

You pulled off the angy expression for sure on this one lol For me and my opinion this was a really solid art work and look forward to even more so keep doing what you do because this was nice, some really nice detail in the face and the whole cactus so nice character design here



So this was a nice comic style here and with the new updates to the art features it really showcases the comic in a longevity element, You have gone on and ignited the talents on this piece I found it to be spiffy seems like you really pushed some good quality with this art entry giving off the style you presented here and it really came off well, but anyways great comic peice here


Wow love this

The hair just comes off so well that purple the shine the shade just amazing and some cute work on the smile and expression of the character, a very cute character and nice design here kind of like a portrait


Nice one

Some fun characters of artwork here very good on the eyes they just pop out at you this was a really solid art work and look forward to even more, so keep up the amazing art and characters like this


Nice work

The breaking of the glass looks really good and has some nice shatter effects you did something really good and the talents come alive in this piece, but regardless this was very nice work



I love the halloween color and theme here and some very nice detail within the pieces Some nice fusion in this one I love the flavor and style in this whole piece love the energy that this brings too lots of great quality that comes out of this one and I for one was impressed with this art piece, great halloween and season theme here


Another fine piece

I like this because you also bring on more mixture of your talents A brilliant piece here the fact that you bring forward this kind of sound and element and themed piece makes it all that much better and I love the style here you give it, I love the texture and color detail most of all Some really nice art quality but also add in some good energy with the passion of the flavour it brings, great mix of art here


Pixel beauy

Oh wow nice I love me some pixel but the whole contra makes it a new level and some very nice animation too Now here was some pixel beauy here the visual alone is nice and love what you have created here with some nice pixel art here it's pretty amazing what can be done with some pixel and you have created something special here so this was a pleasure to review


Cute one

This one was pretty good and pretty cute of a character I especially like what you did here with the hair very nice shine too, also love the backrounds and the pleasent freshness of this cute character here


Sunny times

Wow I have to say this was really some sunny times or in this case a sunny day love the big smiles and expression you have here, fresh looking colors and vibrant a nice fun day it seems


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