
17,993 Art Reviews

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Cute character

So this was a cute character here A very nice piece of art here today the piece was good some nice flavour too to make this a nice element here some nice addition of visual detail in this one, love all the color elements here and nice work on the hair too


WuKong pirates

So these pirates not familuar with them but they look pretty amazing great detail within the characters I love the detail you have pushed in this one you have some nice talents too this was a plus all across the board I love the depth in how much detail does come from this and you gave it that good quality, anyways it was a pleasure to review the WuKong pirates


Action mode

Looks like he is ready in action mode with a mighty sword Some fantastic visual here so with that said this was some nice work love the depth and this pushes out some nice details too some nice work on this art piece here, great art piece fun character


Pure passionate

Thie was nice I love the color blend you bring into this and a fun character pure passionate here This here is a pure passionate and sexy character if I do say so myself with the visual really popping off well and showcasing some nice and sexy elements it shows off your awesome talents in creating a fun and sexy character so props to you on this character efforts


Day 18

Well Day 18 looks pretty good you really gave this character an action scene here love the steam and smoke, the black and white once again is very impressive work and some very talented work here so this was a plus


AWsome character

I love what you did here with this character but also love the deep colors and shaded points the colors really pop off well, those are just a few touches this popped off well so I was pretty pleased with this entry, but anyways some amazing work here today



Now this was a cute bunch Now this was an amazing find as this was pretty solid in depth and detail even has a simplistic side about it You made the two popular characters pop off well


Simple and fun

This was a nice drawing and was also a simple and fun one love these linework here would love some color but this here was some really nice work love the drawing you have created here for us all to enjoy


A nice character

You gave her a fun bounce lol, No but really the animation on the bounce is very good Not just a nice character but a sexy one on top of that takes some good talent to bring a sexy character a live like you have done so here I love the sexy curves and added details makes for a beautiful visual of this character and that is a pleasure


~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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