
17,993 Art Reviews

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This was beautiful you do something special with deep texture and some awsome characters here There is some nice style of art coming from the portal and some good quality at that you bring on some nice quality and the art itself seems to come a live, Love all the characters but love the dark elements too This piece is large and In charge with a vibe of it's own and a few twists and turns at your own style nice energy, Amazing work here


TEXTASIA responds:

Aw I really appreciate that, thank you so much. I’m so glad someone can find so many elements in my art they can adore. ❤️


Once again you bring on some nice scnes of battle here Some really nice work of art here, I love the color and art style you put into these scenes they are nice work indeed


Graffiti collab

Is looking good A cool art piece here and you added in your own touch on this the fact you added your own style and theme here makes it even that much better, love this Graffiti collab style and even the day and night elements a very talented cast here



Some impressive work here the texture the visual of the leaves the hidden element is really good here I really like the style in this whole entry love the flavour and element makes me feel like you hit on the nose here the best visual here too, so some nice work here great detail awsome element of suprise


Very nice

This was some nice work here I love the fine detail here with this one some nice detail and love the black and white here A good find on this art work I love me some good flow of the detail and that's what you showcased here elements are nice and if good quality, so nice black and white here


The eyes

I really love all the eyes you did here some great looking eyes the curl is already a sexy character but this whole piece was really good love them eyes and this was a beautiful creation



This was something nice I love this what was nifty was the lighting effect you really showcased the effect well here and the sexy element is something extra all in all this was a nice sexy scene



Some nice concept of germaine and pauline? good fresh art style here simple backround but overall some cute characters and look great you should try and animate these characters some


Yay Robots

Love the detail depth in this one such talented work and the shine on the head was amazing You have really created a realistic element of some robotic style here, always love me some robots and your creation here jumps out at me with some sci-fi element and the robotic world, and who doesnt love some robots lol, you have a nice creative style especially with this piece as you bring together some good details and its the fine little details that really make me enjoy this even more, I do hope to see even more robot elements in the future but anyways really nice submission.


Very nice

Some awsome pixel as always and with newgrounds new features you really can push more visual and style like you have done here, Pieces like this give some good inspiration and you have defined and polished work here, the pixel animation of pico was amazing and flowed well in the animation love the soccer theme too


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