
17,993 Art Reviews

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So I love the orange design on this one Nice entry here and still have that nifty visual and element so nice vibe and nice take on the kind of style so awesome job there, The detail within the disk is pretty intense and such a great title too It's pieces like this that make it that much better so awesome job on the style here very intense and unique art style, Nice design nice cover


Cute character

This was a cute character I like your vibe here keep making fantastic stuff such as this one I have really enjoyed it I love this find You have a decent art piece it has alot of interest level The character has some awsome use of color and love the big eyes I am glad this is not just the normal stuff everyone brings to the portal so nice art work here, also love the portrait element


Nice work

The art style was differrent but its artistic and lots of nice use of colors on this and some good design about it, But anyways you do some good work and showcase your talents with this piece so nice job here


Nice design

So this was a nice design great colors and dreamcast would be happy with this lol, no but really this was a nice layout and design once again some great use of colors on this one, loved the detail


What a fish

Now this was some Gone fishing and come back with a massive find here lol, great detail on the fish love the added shine too A brilliant piece here the fact that you bring forward this kind of design and element and themed piece makes it all that much better, anyways nice Gone fishing moment


Wow another nice one

I love the outfit and the choker was nice So really nice and sexy character here in the portal but most of all it was a very nice character and a sexy formation all around the different colors are nice too


Beautiful piece here

The snow and the trees its just a beautiful piece you really created a beautiful snowy backdrop here, Love the paint style detail in creating a winter wonderland here so awsome talents indeed


DevilRat responds:

It has aged well, but considering most stuff during that time.

Nice work

So this was some nice work I love the side pose here and the colors being light ended was nice just needs some background details but still found this to be a pretty good character regardless



This is a new take on sailer moon lol seems like the art is pretty good and you even pushed some added comical element the text bubble are nice overall this was pretty good work



Now this is very good I love the pose and the facial expressions here the black outfit really worked well on this one and that pose was great so nice and sexy character here it is nice


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