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Really nice

Some nice charchter work here on this one and I have to say that is some very nice background that reflected the character very well with a nice blend and mixture of art and stylish visual points so anyways nice job

No changes it was pretty solid work


Triple-Stabber responds:

Yikers, forgotten I drew this and this does not hold up now. But I will take the background and your compliments into consideration for future drawings tho ♥


Well this was a cute charchter I do however think there is far too much purples in there both on the background and the character you should have a mixture of different colors so it all blends very well well that's my take on it

Change the background color


Triple-Stabber responds:

Yes yes, I agree. If I were to draw this again, I'd make the backgroud a different colour to pirple like...yellow or green, maybe a mint colour. Thx for the comments ♥


So this was another interesting piece here I like it but still something interesting that flame I thaught could have had more of a glow about it it seems like with more of a glow allows for that flame to see more realistic

Some glow on the flame


Triple-Stabber responds:

Yeah a glow would've been more interesting, buut if I were to add on to something. I do remember trying to imitate the Game Freak style of art and they don't have Pokemon which have "glow" in their art. So I just drew a simple flame, still like the comments tho ♥

Another fine piece

And here was another fine piece of art here that red glowing element seems to be a focus and while it's nice I think a more radiant feel to it and more of a glow about it would be a plus more glow of course with some surrounding radiant light source to really give it that mystery of the effect to shine and sparkle but that's my take on this piece here very nice work indeed so nice job here

Some more focus on red fouc point possibly with more glow



So here was another beautiful piece of art and there was a lot of depth in this one you really pushed the detail with some background props and details and really fave it that realisim so very good work there I liked what you have posted here great charchter and great small fine details onlything I would ad or take away here might be some added lighting effects from the flashlight itself but not much more then that

Great detail maybe just some small lighting effects added



So this was a cute piece you have here here I like the pose she is in and she has some clothing as to leave a bit of mystery to the visual here the background detail was a plus on this one anyways good work and nice shine

None with this one it was some solid work



So this was a beautiful piece here I really like the style here a good pose of the character here and made for a nice element really nice artwork here and I enjoyed the deep colortone on this one I could see some adding more shine on her chest

Ad more shine on top of her chest just a tad more


Great Expression

So here there was some really good expression the colors and linework very nice, the blue shirt or top she is wearing seems out of place maybe if it was a pinkish color it might reflect the design better, Layout of the separate locks of hair is very layered being spread out along the entire image Keeping consistent with the given message of a “BAD-HAIR-DAY” The distinction of each strand is made through a "SMOOTH-TEXTURE" of various lines, Each of the strands seem to "OVERLAP" each other again pertaining to an uncontrollable style, The hot pink and bold blue go well with the soft brown of her complexion and hair.

the blue shirt or top she is wearing seems out of place maybe if it was a pinkish color it might reflect the design better



so this version was nice I like the other one as it was filled with color, this particular one was still something artistic and I really enjoyed it for the color detail, anyways keep making great art style such as you have here and hope to see more soon.

no changes it was a beautiful piece of art here


LittleLuckyLink responds:

Thank you kind sir!

such a beautiful piece

This was such a beautiful "PIECE-OF-ART" the color first of all was pretty amazing and I have added this as my fave piece of the day, you do some amazing work here and it showcases well, cant wait to see what else you bring to the table next, anyways nice job.

No changes needed this was an awsome piece of artwork.


LittleLuckyLink responds:

Thank you very much for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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