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Fantastic pixel work this was cute i like the detail on this like the shine and animated points its a nice little character, Well you have done some fantastic work here today and with pixel it shines with some beautiful pixel art you have threw some of your own magic on this


This was actually a cute little comic piece the characters are nice the backrounds simple but the text bubles cute and related to there design lol, my overview of this whole piece is that you have outdone yourself with lots of talent so awsome job


BellaFiaVela responds:

Thank you so much :(( <3

Nice little piece here and the animation works well with the characters and the theme of it all, I really like the backround too it all seemed to work with each point so nice work there and some good art style on this one


What a nice scene here and a great character here, I love the gold element here especially in the backround, It was a good effort and it was different So nice job on this piece you have outdone yourself an awsome character of works here


Wow nice these cities animated are intense I even feel like you could do a whole series of popular cities animated like this, some intense lights and really showcase the pixel and lights come alive so nice work a bit of the pixel world and it's a nice thing


The love of pixel and with this one the love of some red baloons really came out nice some good quality time went into this one, A nice pixel art piece here with the love of pixel and some nice passion about it some pixel is notbad but this one here you have really showcased some beautiful art especially them baloons


Awsome character here Love the big cleaver and some nice design and shine on the cleaver came off pretty well, The whole character is detailed and some awsome colors here, Also a nice backround with all the detail of the character


This was very nice and Darnell it could be like a poster piece here some great art a beautiful city backdrop and Darnell up front and close very nice work here great work design, Love the talent that comes through here even today


Another nice piece here you always seem to tell a story love the fountain the characters are nice with the pixel here and you did something special with this pixel piece was really nice the water fountain seems like it could be animated


Stylish pixel work well as always you always bring that special touch like with this one and the gold bars to me are nice among other things That skull head was nice too, I love the stylish pixel style of work here some cool visual detail in the pixel here it always amazes me


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