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Cute and refreshing love the character here and a great smile, this was a sparkling gem There is alot of exhilaration behind this you have some remarkable visuals


A cute character the hair really stands out with that color there, Now this was a good fun and cute character you have here some cuteness can go a long way and you present that here with this cute character


Wow I have to say this was very beautiful I love the tone of color here not too dark or bright and seems to work well here, Finally something that has a good idea drawn all over it so you have some good talents and they are being put to good use some good energy and vibe from this entry, All the lights in the backround was pretty nice and the characters are having fun and well made, You bring a nice blend of artistic style to the site so very good work here you have really enlightend me, A fun piece its almost like a postcard of fun times lol


Have not played much DnD but this was pretty cool some nice characters here very nice detail, Like a star in the sky this piece sparkles even as corny as that sounds, so keep up the good art style


This was a cute comic you have created here wish it was longer and even more refreshing text bubbles anyways great stuff here


InhumanInterest responds:

Thanks! Yeah, it took a while to work the kinks out of the text for the comics, this is even the updated version, the originals didn't have bubbles at all. Much harder to read.

Good character love that hat would be nice to have more shades here and there especially the hat, they are being put to good use some good energy and vibe from this entry so nice work


Not sure who tempist twister is but he looks like sonic but besides that hes a good character Finally something that has a good idea drawn all over it so you have some good talents, Nice job


Sea-Salt responds:

Late reply here, but Tempest is a character from the Sonic Legacy fancomic.

These little guys are pretty cute and make it look nice it's a cuteness overload lol no but really you did some nice work on this cute character here


Another beautiful bird here and the watermellon on the back end piece here was very nice Now here was something special and unique I like the polished look you have given this with your own mix and blend I have already said its an amzing piece, This particular bird design with the eyes and the pose was nice and the halo was a nice touch, Hope you keep making brilliant stuff like this It gave me lots of exhilaration so keep doing what you do best in the art world, But anyways great refreshing pice here with the bird element


The high ground is nice love the wings on this character nice style with your own mix and blend I have already said its an amzing piece


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