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The view shot of this was pretty amazing love that facial expression too and that shows here it is glamorous cant wait to see what else you do come up with anyways nice work here


What a great creature you have here love the bone detail on this the structure of the form was very nice, Very impressed in what you have created here today you have some amazing ideas


Very nice indeed love the use of color was really nice and a nice design all through this all the characters cane out well, Like a star in the sky this piece sparkles even as corny as that sounds this was a sparkling gem There is alot of exhilaration behind this you have some remarkable visuals, That color was was very impressive you are talented for sure, I really dont have any explanation because this is just a great piece of artwork here, Pico and gang very nice art piece here


Wow this was pretty cool and lots of green on this too, the pixelated versions was pretty nice too, Some nice art done here and looks pretty good I like it


P-PAMda responds:

There's never enough green, thanks a lot for your kind words, have a wonderful day!

Nice paint style with this one and you showcased that very well, the small details really seem to come alive your skills and ideas made this look easy and good and that was a plus for me, but besides all that this was an amazing character.


Now this was really nice I like the photo like postcards here all the color and all the characters really just pop out well and I was pretty impressed with this so nice work indeed


This was actually pretty cute i love the cat or devil lol and that big smile fits so well, indeed You have defined the elements with the style and majestic ideas you put together here


GlitchArtTV responds:

Her name is Satina.

A great pose and the shine on the black outfit is amazing This is nice and just looks pretty good beautiful but still an awesome character and it's a nice style and seems to be a pretty popular one, visual detail is a plus on this one


Even as a commission this was pretty impressive, A special entry if you ask me I have enjoyed this piece very much, love the godzill look here very well done and looks like some epic action is about to take place so nice work here


This was pretty cute love the action moment here with this one, The gunfire was pretty good very nice work and love his eyes, you have some good talents and they are being put to good use


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