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Very nice So this was a great version of the hulkster and love that you did his original coloes and look, and I think this could be some of your best work as it has some character design and some very good character design at that, the shades the small details really showcase well from the face to the upper body looks pretty good and some great use of color on this one so nice work on the Hulk here


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked this one in particular! I like how it turned out as well, though drawing characters via reference... feels like a whole other thing when you're able to make something equally good from scratch, where the idea's a part of the process. I'm proud of the line work here though, turned out better than expected...

Cool pig lol this was actually pretty simple and fun it seems a pig is always cute and you made some nice detail like shades in this simple pig piece, it has an interesting look and there was some decent detail to it like the ring on the nose very nice touch onlything I would change on the ring would be to add more of a shine or sparkle, anyways nice art piece


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeaah this is one of those 'sometimes minimalism is more' ones. XD Glad you liked it!

These are some nice sketches you have done here would be nice to see them come to full life but overall these are some nice practice points, Nice art submission I say and really enjoyed this


Nice work here with this one some interesting elements here and seems like your project was a success nice detail in this, Ill be on the look out for even more from you, Its these pieces that I really come to enjoy this one was some nice work


LOL well this was pretty cute and it reminds me of myself with this one I seem to always be on a PC lol, I think you could ad on some more of these like a comic piece here, but anyways this was cute and entertaining


These types of pieces are always nice with the color tones kins of like them old books with simple design and nice color elements, I have enjoyed seeing this and have really come to enjoy your art style over the years, As I look at your piece it just really gets better and better so for me it was once again a pleasure to review your work and style so please do keep gracing us with that style


Cyberdevil responds:

Apprecate it!

Number 22 very nice indeed some Eye popping color and artwork you have made here for us with some enticing detail and structure, Especially with the small and fine print of everything the one/Two tone color theme was pretty nice too, you make it look easy as always but this piece was actaully pretty creative and stylish, anyways keep doing what you do its always a pleasure


Cyberdevil responds:

Always a pleasure to read these reviews too, TY!

A cute character indeed with some beautiful color here but the character is cute keep making more imaginitive ideas like this one, I love the fresh look here and lots of color on this one and look forward to even more


Nice pose and the backside was nice some awsome black and white here A fun and nice pose you have added here on this one not to mention you gave it a sexy visual here very fresh looking but most of all a sexy character here


Oh wow some beautiful work here and and its pretty cute the talent on this is very well-done and its a pleasure to review this anyways good job


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