
17,993 Art Reviews

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Oh wow this was nice the 3/d effects are very nice you bring on some detail and make it easy the visual video was also a nice touch so good work


Very cool and the effects look pretty good with this some lighting effects are nice I like the energy of the effects but anyways sone good work here


Great comic and a lot of things going on with this comic some nice frames and good character interaction but besides that this was nice


Thus was actually a nice character I luke the epic scene too a very nice design good details and just a nixe action moment here I like the art piece if this character


Wow nice you always make some beautiful pieces very cute hair with this one I love the use of color too making a beautiful and sexy character


Well not sure who millie is but you made a fun and cute little character here the hair is pretty good too and just a cute character here anyways nice job


Dingalow responds:

She is a character of my own creation and I just kinda draw her when I can't think of anything else to draw. I'm glad you like her!

This was very nice the bunny ears are pretty nice very cute and the pose was nice great bodytone and a good sexy character so nice art piece


This was something special such as her expression and the beads of sweat to how her hands and arms are placed, You have some good work here the art visual here is pretty amazing I will call this one a great exclusive nice and polished blend here I do look forward to seeing more of your work, And the lighting effect on her a good effect, I hope you keep making more imaginitive ideas like this one it was some solid work indeed, Overall a great art piece beuatiful intense moment for the character


Very nice design here love that glass potion almost feel like that glass could have been in color and it would be a good color point, overall this was pretty good character work, anyways keep up the good efforts


The dragon Princess looks pretty amazing the color blend you use here is something different and really makes this pop off very well, Nice style and nice talents of this submission nice effort all in the right places showing off some good detail a nice piece here you have, The design and all the little details of this really are some nice energy, and Ill be on the look out for even more from you and keep making stuff like this because this was a nice art submission, Cant go wrong with some dragon Princess


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Age 51, Male


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