
17,993 Art Reviews

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Fresh and cute this here was a nice little design a great character some fun elements here and just some cuteness all to it, I will say that this was a stellar piece and cute and hope you make even more of these types


Another beautiful piece here from the trees to the river and the subtle moment of the character since its enchanted would have loved to see more glow and mystic within the elements but this was a really nice art piece here


Wow this was just so artistic and beautiful I really love the color and that fine detail it really pops off well with the color too, I was generally pleased keep up the decent art work and really hope to find more beautiful work of yours like this one


Pixel time with the lil doom guy lol hes pretty cute Well pixel is everything these days and it's always nice to see a bit of pixel now and then with this particular creation of pixel you went ahead and added some nice little detail


This was a fantastic view shot and the scene was epic and even looks a bit 3/d ish but is a great art piece here love all the different characters you have made here some really nice moment of fun and DnD anyways good job


Some fine detail on this and as you look deeper into the fine art piece you can really see some of those fine details, This was an amazing art piece and some great use of color but most of all some fantastic detail


A fun commission here but overall a great character design you have made with some really nice design here love that grey or black furr too again overall a great character design love this view point too anyways nice work


Wow you have some amazing artwork and the detail is beautiful, The visual impact of this is pretty impressive you have really defined your own talents within this piece and even added a twist or two and it brings on inspiration, I love the design and depth of the dynamic structures, regardless thats my critique once again you have even given me some good inspiration on creativity, and to end this you have some amazing work love all that detail


Pauline and pumnkin guy lol the art is as always nice some good work indeed on this one, Love the cute pauline on this one, great character design here and is always a pleasyre to see the comical of it all


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