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Jessica Rabbit at her best love all the different view shots Nice and sexy character and this was a nice visual here keep at it and the lines are very well done and smooth out so awesome work so in my opinion you created a good sexy character here, of course this is sexy and that's a plus if you ask me


Haha nice a transforming sub here and that was cute would have been nice with some flashy effects in the transformation, This was nice work and some nice little art you have created here a good art SUB-Mission lol


Love it and some Awesome poses here the art and color really pops off well, and you don't get to see that come a live like you made this sexy character become a nice visual, but anyways a couple of sexy beauties


Haha this was pretty cute and seems like it could be a new creation for a new clock character lol, No but really a cute idea here maybe some added backrounds would be a plus on this, anyways keep up the fun and cute designs


The goat for sure all the circling skulls was pretty nice and very visually intense, its been a pleasure to review this piece as my critique shows how much I have enjoyed it you ignite some nice visual details and your talents defined with some spiffy visuals of art, This was pretty amazing and your talents comeout good here, what can I say that I have not already you are an amazing artist and this submission was pretty creative, The goat of all goats lol nice work


Some cute pixel art here and this character is pretty funny so nice work there as you have created a nice pixel piece here and I am pretty amazed with this entry, Chutney Glaze in pixel form so very nice indeed


This is something I would tell all my friends now I was really liking the work you put out here today it was something that put some nice effects and elements together, Some amazing characters here and I really love the crowns, What you have here is a mix of great unique style and some good visual here with this art piece, a fantastic piece with two versions love the expressons on there faces


The pixel craze I especially love all the color with this one and a clown very nice, It's like a big pixel craze and that craze is beautiful especially with pixel pieces like this you really bring out some nice quality in detail and in some cases the shine and sparkle


Pauline and a very vibrant pauline at that with this design here great simple backround too and overall a cute and visualy nice pauline here, So this was a good character detailed version of pauline anyways nice work


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