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This was interesting

I like your sense of "CREATIVITY" especially with this one and the great mixture of animals and such you listed that sure is alot, and you put it all in this little creature very nice indeed, i would like to see some more creativity on this or others but with less amount of mixtures that way you can add more detail on just the few rather then just a ton of em

make another but with much less creatures


bloominglove responds:

Thank you for a good critique. :)

Very nice indeed

Now this is very impressive, wish it was colored it would be most impressive, but wow you really put some effort in this, also maybe some backrounds would work maybe have some other dino. give it that reall preastoric time, anyways nice job. i really like this and look to more of your upcoming works

To improve?
well maybe you could add a backdrop with other dinos, and ofcourse some dinos wpuldnt hurt


I like it

Well this is ok i thought, it did have some color but not much, you did have the color in the right spots to focus on, the color itself seemed abit on the light side so maybe a suggestion would be to deepen the colors abit, also some shades could be set up in the distance so the art piece doesnt seem so bland

My suggestion to improve on this one would be to add some deeper colors and also some shades in the distance just behind the character


magicswordz responds:

Fair review

I don't exactly have many colored pens, so thought to emphasize the key points of the art
scanner didn't exactly do the best job~ but yeah~ darker shading would have been better

And I guess some sort of background, maybe a pattern would be good~ thanks for the idea

thanks for the critique

Lol interesting

Heh well this was interesting it was also kinda funny and amusing. i thought you could have made it on a more "LARGER" scale and such, and i wouldnt mind seeing some more color and all, but what you have here, is pretty neat just needs more and maybe more visual clarity

How to improve? well make the canvas larger have a bigger print of what you are presenting, and a touch of color would also be nice


TheFishyOne responds:

The thing is that I've made in on a smaaall corner on the back of my art block. As you can see the "background" is carton.

And I repeat : it was made on a small corner.

And what colour could I add? Venom's black afterall, right?

This was notbad

Its really good actually you kinda made it how it really is i think, i love the mixture of all the differant poses and such, it was kinda neat and it gave it abit more reality there, and you did well on the element of where they live aswell, all and all a nice piece i thought, keep up the good work

Now this could be improved i suppose, maybe some more plants and flowers to reflect the envirment abit more, anyways nice job


Lundsfryd responds:

Thanks for your kind words. I will take into account next time around :)

strange but i like it

Now this was strange but I like it. You have an eye for detail like the enlarged eye. Good detail there. But not just that you gave it some humor with your wacky design so awesome job and good luck on your next stuff

Make more wacky characters in the distance


Chickenlump responds:

Do you sign all of your posts like a pretentious faggot?

This is kinda neat

well notbad on this little box cover here, atleast i think thats what it is, it could use some borders and frames around it and i know i tend to suggest that idea but i feel in this case it would make it a much more pleasurble viewings, anyways nice work here i like this idea of art

like explained above some frames and borders on this would be nice


This was interesting

this was prety neat and kinda interesting, what i see is a young and older or a past and present? i could be wrong, this is an all nice image here i think it needs one touch though and that for me would be some "FRAMES/BORDERS" around the edges it just reminds me of one of thjose types that would have some

add some frames and or borders to give it that extra touch


Another good piece

another good piece by you here, i dont like the "WHITE" backing of the character maybe if it was a darker tone of color it could look better but as for the white of it, it looks too out of place, anyways nice drawing here

make the white backing of the character a more deeper color maybe a dark blue



aww very nice work here. this is kinda like a she hulk, love the detail you gave this and you really focused on the eyes and such which really brought it out, and some deep eyes at that, its pretty awom and some nice texture to mix in very nice job here

you could improve things with the backround light things maybe not so blurred effect might help


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