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Red is awsome

Wow nice once again as always, you amaze me with all the detail, and style you have on these, thats why you are one of my fave artists on here, but anyways, i love how you used the "REDS" here some darker areas and some not, and you gave this whole art piece, a "BORDER/FRAME" which was very nice indeed, now how can this be improved on hmm, i would ad a touch of blood red in there somehow just for the more focus on the red, but anyways good stuff here, keep up the good work.

since this is all in reds have something blood red color with abit more focus on it.


Jakubias responds:


Nifty sketch

Ok so here was something, is it a ghost maybe not so sure, to be honest it looks like a guy with a gas mask on or something, hehe but anyways as for your sketch here the pecil work seems pretty good, maybe abit too dark at times, but still ok, i think you should have done something with the "EYES" like have them a differant color, maybe a green or blue something that sets them apart from the rest of the drawing but anyways, you do have a nice drawing here, i like that you had some backround and all, anyways nice job.

ad something to the eyes maybe a differant color or something


Smooth artwork

And here we are with the awsome "SOFT" colors you like to use and all, you even left an open text box for something, now for me seeing this for the first time, i would assume he is saying, "WTF" or maybe something like "WHAAT" or just something really crazy since it seems like he is yelling it, now back to the colors, i love your use of colors on this and all of your art, just very soft and smooth as i like, and the character i dont know of this character but its pretty good, with you showing some good character details and really bringing the character emotion since he is yelling and all that good stuff, also love the backrounds, almost reminds me of the newgrounds style with the rainbow blast thingy, hehe, anyways once again you have presented some very nice artwork, my fave part about this all is the smoothness and soft colors that you have presented here, in really making a nice piece, So hope to see more of your work as you make it, and good luck on your next entry.

As for this one i thought it was all alright, as for improving maybe fill in that text, and all but besides that it was just right if you ask me.


Cyberdevil responds:

Space leaves place for imagination. ;) Thanks for the great review!


Haha i like this one of mario, he almost looks abit "FRENCH" even hehe, but anyways, this was neat and it had an artistic feel to it, i like that you didnt kill it with overpowering reds, the face was welldone and some good detail, gave him character, now if you ask me this could have had more work done on him like, the "SKIN" you should have gave it a pale or tan color not just the white, and in the backround added something, i noticed you dont do much work on backrounds? well i can understand that but also remember that it may give the art piece a more fuller effect and even tell a story of what you are working on, but anyways nice work and i did find this to be artistic and such, hell one last idea could have been that "LUIGI" is in the distance like a small one, nothing that would take away from the mario itself, something to try out in a future project or something, but once again an enjoyble and artistic mario here.

ad some work with the backround something that shows more to the main character, i suggested a small luigi or something, and i also suggested some more color effort on marios skin, maybe even giving him a tattoo would be interesting.


Cyberdevil responds:

Good point with the backgrounds, I draw scenery often but I don't think I've ever really combined them with something else in a vector, should do that, good tip with Luigi too. Thanks for the long review X!

Holy art

Ok love the lighting effects on this, and seems like your oldself is back on the whole "LIGHTING" effect style which i have grown fond of, now for this one being called "HALL OF ANGELS" i can agree with that one, but i also see another image on this like a sword of glory or a holy sword of some type, but it is something of holy, and the lighting effects really bring that to view so nice job there and yes you did show good effort and creativity, is this one of your best, i would say its in the top 3 of your works thats how much i like it, very welldone, and the effects are really showing forward once again, now as to improve onto this hmmm, This seems like it could use some more in the distance like with the blander spots or something, nothing crazy just something subtle in the distance some flying agels would be a nice touch actually, or maybe even a few stars in the distance, something that really shows it off, but anyways really nice art piece, let me know when you make more stuff so i can review it.

some stars and or an angel in the distance on the left and or right sides, those were the bland spots


Shikhs responds:

thanx for the review as for the blander spots all my creativity was exhausted LOL.

Lighting effects needed

Ok so this is another neat entry from you, now "PURPLE" just happens to be my fave color, and you really went with a deep purple like i like here, now here you didnt show much of the lighting effect that i am fond of, but i think it would have been perfect for thei image design, such as the "LIGHTER" center point here, i love the wave design you gave this and all and purple is a good colortone to go with, just that this needed that lighting effect you are so very good at, so work on that maybe in a differant version or just something to remember for the future, as the lighting effects you do is your best stuff based on all your works.

As said, the lighting effects are needed in this one as it would have worked so well with the deep purple in the backround and gave more focus to the design itself.


Shikhs responds:

thanx for the review and actually i tried with the glow effect with this one but i kinda liked the original piece.

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