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Very impressive

This is an impressive art piece here it sorts tells a story of something here, like maybe end of world and people have left or some attack on the world, who knows but you give off the idea that something crazy has happend, the {DETAIL} is very nice detailed and good effects like the {SPARKLES} and stuff, now as it does tell a story i wouldnt mind knowing more in that aspect, maybe if you had like an old sigh showing something that happend or even an old newspaper of sorts would be a nice touch aswell, the colors you used are dark works well with the picture, i love the waves and such you gave it that real life like feel, very nice indeed, as to improving well more to the story would be a start, but really other then that it was very impressive.

more detail on what is going on, more to the story if you will



Haha ok this was amusing this looks abit bland though as this was the only part, would have really loved some {BACKROUND} to this art piece, it would tell more of the story, maybe you could have added a scene were there was one of the other puppets running away, might make for a more funnier part but thats just my opinion, have some colored backround would seem to work aswell, and i wouldnt mind some more standoutish colors , as for the drawing its actually very good and simple which is also a plus, I really like the gun on the ground making you guess the killer or even suicide, but once again you amaze us even with you older works, keep it up, i look forward to more of your drawings and art.

Some backround work to give more to the story or adding some solid color would be a nice touch up


dommi-fresh responds:

well bloody hell i never thought people would still be looking at the first one i ever did!

Newgrounds galore

Now this is is awsome, kinda like whats on the newgrounds, frontpage, but to see how you did your own style, here shades are not as deep as your other work, I like all the differant characters here and your own little style you put on them, the {BACKROUND} was sorta so-so, an idea might be to add some sorta maybe {CITY} since you see that in alot of ng stuff like the banner and stuff, but i thought something could go back there maybe even something just a tad light like that so that it doesnt take away from your main drawing of characters and such, and these are just a few ideas to think about to improve on something already awsomly done, anyways nice job on this.

Some backround work like a city drop, some blood or more gringy looking spots here and there wouldnt hurt.


dommi-fresh responds:

incase you haven't noticed backgrounds aren't usually my thing

Very impressive

Now this one was very impressive, i like the awsome shades you have some deep texture in this one, and the {DRAWING} really seemed to comeout neat here, almost like a little story comic ext, the facebook Theres alot of stuff in the drawing, wouldnt mind if things were spaced out somewhatm also love the colors used seemed to really work off eachother with the greens and browns, An idea to give a more visual on the book maybe a glowing eye of sorts would be nice, just an idea though, and in the lower left and roght corners of the drawing could use something maybe something seems bland in that area. anyways decent drawing, and i look forward to seeing more from you

A good drawing here, maybe some spacingout of stuff, or if you like that style fill in the bland spots, and give the {BOOK} a more focus point as suggested the eyes or even some bloody teeth, anyways nice work.


dommi-fresh responds:

i wanted to keep the colour bold and bland like their crappy logos.

Its a decent drawing

This was actually not half bad, now the {DRAWING} itself is decent well done, now wish there was some color added in there, would have been a plus, even if just a small portion here and there, sometimes just the outline is even awsome if colored and the rest black and white, but you can see some nice little detail in there which is always a nice touch, sometimes its hard to see the detail also because of all the dark shading but again its an ok piece i thought, you have filled the whole board there that is great but everything is so close together, maybe spreading out stuff just a tad, so more of the fine detail can be seen, regardless of all that, its pretty decent, and i look forward to reviewing more of your work in the near future.

Spreading out stuff abit more for more visual detail, adding a touch of color would be another touch up,


Yellow is cool

Now here is a nice piece here, very yellowish which is nice, and the theme, now im getting the idea this is more like an Audio theme it looks like but i could be wrong, i like the very {CLEAN} look you gave it, it is fresh and clean. and you have some nice shading in there aswell, a very welldone peice of artwork here, i still feel with the simple idea that you could have gone abit more though, like say with the {BACKROUND} not sure what the theme was but if it was say audio related you could use the backround to reflect the theme aswell, its not bland, but still could use some sorta reflecting theme there, and i love the yellowish feel and theme so with a final thought this was very impressive and very creative, so nice job.

Some more theme reflecting to the art piece for the backround.


Nice work

Wow this was very impressive, the color texture is very deep, not a bad thing, i love that you have added some backround to reflect off the koth, i personally think the colors are too rich and deep though, maybe give it some lighter tones as to reflect the cartoon style abit more, also on his {FACE} i thought you made it look too muscly like he is a body builder of sorts, the character you are drawing was more {SCRONNY} looking and skinny, kind of weak and such, the hat was a nice touh fit right in and i enjoyed it very much nice job all around though

the face was too bulky, and the colors are too deep , tone it down abit explained above


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