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Nice drawing

Haha this was cute, the large eye was a great idea, and i do like the black and white style, but you should think about adding some {COLOR} but i do like what you have here, with getting this checked out and all haha that was cute so nice job on that aspect of things, i mentioned some color would be nice, like, you could leave the drawing itself black and what then have the back scene colored somehow it would still leave focus for the drawing, so other then that i thought it was pretty good, on a last note you maybe even want to make the larger eye colored, anyways nice job.

Some color and back distance ideas were suggested.


CloseToGhost responds:

Fair comments! I usually stay away from colour but wish I could use it sometimes, perhaps I will upgrade some of these old drawings.

Needs some color

ok so this was intersting, i think you said something about adding color to your works or even newer stuff, this drawing or sketch could use some of that color, maybe not {FILL-IN} but probably just adding differant colors with with the sketch lines and such, it wouldnt over kill on color but at the sametime give some color to the linework,just an idea there that would make this somewhat even better then it already is, something you should think about trying, so some extra color would be nice key, other then that i thought it was alright, so untill next time, good luck on anything new you may be working on.

some color {LINE-WORK} would be a start


saramary3 responds:

Thank you so much for the feedback!It's much appreciated. Yeah, I think with this one some color would be very nice as well. I'm not sure if this is a style that I'm going to pursue further, though.


ok so here is something {DIFFERANT} every once in awhile we will get stuff like this on the portal and this one was pretty {UNIQIE} glad you got a good grade on it, and this is art you see alot of this type of stuff in art shows and stuff, so this was interesting, now i think this would have been better if you had a differrant backround the one you had there kinda didnt allow for the picture to be focused on it was more of hard to see with the {PATTERN} backround it should have been probably just a white sheet or something, so ther then the backing it was alright and i thought it was pretty nifty

Just the backing should be a more {SOLID} not a patteren.


Araelyn responds:

Hahahahaha. It's my wallpaper.

Nice and unique

Awsome this was very impressive i love the {UNIQUE-NESS} of it, i think i remember reviewing past work of yours, this one was very unique again like all your other work, i love all the differant, creations, and just really using imagination with the most unexpected creations, even some of the most random stuff aswell, it just is a great piece indeed, the backrounds were nothing too spectacular, but still seemed to work with what you had going, i especially love the {FISH} on the guys head, lots of detail in this one, and overall very welldone, anyways i dont see how you can improve on this, its pretty good thought, nice job.

maybe some better detail in the backround other then that its alright stuff.


dimitrikozma responds:

Hi XwaynecoltX,
Thank you for your review. I will consider your sugestion. :-)

Decent art piece

This is actually a nice piece you have here, good color, some backrounds, and the outter frame is also another nice touch, allthough the outter frame could be another color maybe a {MIXTURE} of colors and such for an overall better feel with color, just an idea though, the {CHARACTER} is pretty good and you did make her/him look somewhat homeless and it just seemed like a good character, i just wish there was more to see, and with that i mean the backrounds could show more of the homeless element and such this one was more of a lighter effect on that aspect of stuff, so anyways it was a decent piece of art, i hope to see more from you soon.

some more backround work of the homeless element would be nice, and that outter border could have something with color


Nice designs within designs

Now this was really {CUTE} the drawing was cute the smooth curves and lines was great so nice effort on the linework, i thought that some of the {LINEWORK} could have been more {THINNER} ?? but still it was pretty interesting, now ofcousre some {COLOR} would have really spiced things up i could see some purples, and reds and so on but thats something to think about when doing these i love how you didnt just work on one design but a mixture of designs, seemed to all come together and i was impressed with that so nice job, anyways keep up the good work and i hope to see something new from you real soon.

Some new ideas were made like, some color ofcourse, some thinner line-work, and so on


saramary3 responds:

I'm currently working on adding color to my stuff. I agree that in some areas it could have been thinned out line wise. Overall a very fair review! I appreciate your suggestions and will try to work on these areas in my future postings! Thank you!

I like it

ok so this was something differant, i really like the {GREEN} of the main character, and with all the nice little {DETAILS} like in the backround stars and other elements, the {HORNS} were specially nice, so what could we improve on this piece? im thinking you have too much {DARKNESS} to everything and you could {SHINE} up things with some glow and shine and more lighting effects, like maybe the tip of the horns, and that element above the character, and even a glowing {STEW} would be nice, so other then that it was a nice art piece and i really enjoyed seeing this, and hope to see more soon.

Try and improve on the little effects like lighting shines and glows, and a little less darkness


WiZBiN-Yoshi-1 responds:

thank you , Im in a powerstruggle when I lay out the values -as can be seen on "goodbye bill" pieace , although no color. I find this helpful that people point this out , yet still see something in my pictures.

thank you.


haha ok this one was more amusing then anything else, the color was simple the design was simple too having it animated was nice and made it more unique wich was a plus for me, i liked this one, very good here even as simple as it is, the {THEME} of friday flood is interesting i wonder what you all will come up with next, anyways great stuff as always, hope to see more soon, untill then good luck.

Backrounds backrounds and even more backrounds lol


Merol responds:

Yes, I tried to keep it simple. I tried adding some clouds on the background but it just didn't look good :/


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