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Creative and nifty

I love this one, i actually have a simular tattoo, i think the painting cameout well, more blood could be there like one idea might be the blood dripping out the table like thing but this was a pretty good piece and ill add this one as my faves, another thing would be to bring out more shine like on the apple, the backround was interesting maybe a more darker feel in the backround, i guess that wouldnt work too well with the dark table just an idea though, but anyways great painting and i look forward to seeing and reviewing more of your stuff. anyways good luck

A few shines and darker issues


afiboy69 responds:

First i just want to thank u for adding the painting to ur favorites and leaving a very nice helpful review =) i find it interesting that u have a tattoo that has a similar depiction or atmosphere, sounds badass =D so im glad this had given u some sort of meaningful connection, which I think is very important when it comes to art. Anyways once again thank u for the feed back =)

Nice mix dragon

Wow i love dragons and this was pretty impressive, i think the tittle should have ran something like this {SNAKE-DRAGON} Seems more fitting to what the drawing and your comments go with, i love the mixture of the snake and dragon allthough would have been nice to show more of the body so i could see how it all forms out, but great backround very fitting and great color and texture with the snake its all perfect in element, so awsome job on this one, but like i said a more body shot would have been even better, anyways nice job i look forward to more of your fantastic designs.

As mentioned a full body shot would have been great.


Louise-Goalby responds:

The commission was only of a headshot.


Wow this was pretty nice, the whole art piece has some {SMOOTH} feel, especially on the skin tines wich was a very nice touch, its sexy and soft at the sametime, and you cant get anymore sexy then this, this is the first of your works i have seen and i plan to checkout more just because you make some very nice pieces, there was lots of details in here, and thats what caught my eye, especially the softness of it all, as for improving tips, i would say i like it as is, so leave it as is, other then all that mentioned its a pretty good piece, and welcome to newgrounds i look forward to more of your work soon.

Its great as is.


I like

Wow this one seemed to really comeout really well, i especially like how the {FEATHERS} cameout very fine detail awsome linework in that sense, the skull was great aswell, i think the only thing that lacked in this one for me, was the backround, some tips possibly would be to be adding some more {COLOR} in the backrounds, maybe some light shades of color, I do like the color from the skull that was a nice touch, so overall it was a pretty good and pleasent drawing and i was very impressed with it, hope to see more of your fantastic art pices soon, anyways good luck with what ever you are working on next.

I suggested some light shades of color in the backround, other then that everything else was great.



Oh wow this was very neat i thought and i am really loving the {BLACK-WHITE} style with this one, love all the great line-work with the trees and how this goes off into the {DISTANCS} very nice detail and great effort on your side there, very impressive indeed, now as a possible tip, maybe you should have a sorta {FOCUS-POINT} or something and to go over the edge, have it some {COLOR} but only that one focus point would be color, but other then that this was very good i thought and i rather liked it, so keep up the awsome drawings and paintings.

Maybe as mentioned ad a focus point or prop


itsKris responds:

Thanks for the advice :)

Needs more detail

haha this one was interesting, you really put the effort into this one with him showing lots of {EMOTION} the character is great and shows all the great details i love about your style but the {BACKROUND} i thought could have been much better as these were ok, just needs more of that wacky style, maybe because it was more of a solid and bland feel, but other then that the character himself was fantastic, great detail, nice shades and awsome linework, so awsome job on this piece and anything new you got comming out, anyways good luck.

some more detail in the backround would be a start


Nice style could use more though

oh wow this was pretty interesting the {COLORS} were pretty good the one thing that bothered me about this piece was that it was much smaller then expected, maybe if you made it larger you could show off more of the color {DETAIL} just a helpfull tip there for either this or other new stuff you may be making, also maybe some {BACKROUNDS} would also be nice, maybe a fantastic world of where this character comes from, and maybe even abit more {SHINE} on the characters body, these are just some tips they may or may not help but regardless of all that i thought it was pretty good drawing and character just wish it had abit more of the details, anyways nice job i like it.

A few things like more shine, some backround, and a larger scale model


JinnPixel responds:

You know it is pixel art, right? Make it larger would be a pain in the ass.

I like

Very nice indeed, this was a very good piece here, love the colortone and even texture especially in the {SKIN} very welldone there, the hair was great too so some awsome line work there, it all came together well, the {}EYES{ though were kind of bugging out i think you should have gave him a more drunk state, i just saw the movie yesterday and this was a pretty close likness of him, a more one of his stranger moments, but you still did good and i was impressed, so nice job, make more soon.

something with the eyes maybe more sofetr feel on the eyes.


Great dragon

Nice dragons and i do love the dragons, this was another great one i have seen on here, great color great texture, i love this dragon and thats comming from a fan of dragons, i love all the spikes from the head, and even the backround was great, i would love to see some fixes and cleanning up though such as maybe some {GLOW} from the eyes kinda like what you did with the inner mouth of flames, and this whole piece of art would look even better with more flame comming out, and while this is just a head shot a whole {BODY} in the distance would have been great aswell, anyways great piece i love it

As stated, some extra efefcts on the eyes, and even a fire flame, and then even a body in the distance.


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